Chapter 4 - A secret mission

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Chapter 4 - A secret mission.

“You want to know? Well I don’t know, I don’t think it has anything to do with him not wanting it because I know he loves it, it really controls his powers. Not like he needs to control them,” Amy said quickly as if she knew something. “Honestly I don’t know, I’ll tell you when I find out though.”

“He can’t control his powers?” Liam asked.

“Well of course he can but something happened to him once and he promised himself never to do it again,” Amy said.

“Never to do what?”

“You don’t need to know. Can I have the stave?”

Liam handed the stave to invisible Amy and he felt her tug at the wood. He decided it was none of his business about what Jordan had done so maybe he should just leave it.

He let go of the wood and Amy took it.

“Don’t speak of this to anyone,” Amy told.

“Sure,” Liam agreed.

There was silence.

“Eh, what now?”  Liam asked.

No answer.

“I guess you’re not here are you? Why am I asking you, you’re not even there?”

Liam made his way back to his dorm. He saw no one on his way there and he didn’t have a clue what he was going to do. So, when he reached his dorm, he just sat down and lay on the couch. He clicked the red button on the remote and the television came to life.

The two boxes came up again and Liam went down to ‘Olympus tv’ and clicked select. Then, just like the last time he tried, millions of grey dots started fizzling on the screen.

Ever since Liam’s prophecy, Olympus TV had not been working, probably Zeus refusing any contact with mortals again. ‘I wonder what someone’s done to make Zeus want to close Olympus?’ Liam thought.

He turned off the television and picked up one of his many potion books that lay everywhere around his dorm. All of which he had obtained from the library after Hecate built his under stairs potion room.

After what felt like minutes reading ‘how to make a true invisibility potion’ he looked up and realised that soon they’d be leaving.

“Eleven twenty one?” He repeated, throwing the book down beside him and jumping to his feet. He grabbed his bag with his bow, water bottle and potions in, and sped out the door.

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