chapter 2

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Groment POV

Today was my birthday and the letter from my relatives and my friends sent a birthday card. Well I was happy. Wallace did give me a present and I was surprised it was a robot but with legs with a control up top. Wallace told me that will be use to walk me. Because I'm a damn dog. *10 minutes later* when Wallace got it up now I was on a leash and soon it walk out. When i saw a dog statue with 4 wheel I quickly untie the leash and tie it on the statue. I played around the park I did see a sign said dog must be on leash. But they will this I'm on it but they are looking at a statue. When I put the dog statue back and i tie it back soon. When i walk back home an hour later. I was greeted with an uninvited guest it look like a penguin wearing a red glove on his head. Wallace since he nice he did let him stay. The next day I was shocked when the penguins tried to act like me . Like when I will give him the slipper he will pick to up and give it to wallace fast and got the mail instead of me. Soon Wallace decided to move me out of his room soon I was mad. For what he did at the same time sad I thought I was his favorite roomate but instead it the penguins. I hear the storm and rain in minutes I was stuck out side with a dog house I was living in before I have a room to move in *sniffing and cry in a second*

Penguin POV

Yes with him out now for the plan *Paint bule on the wall with bones now it fish wallpaper* bahahaha my first phase work now for the plan

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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