Until Next Time - Part 10

Start from the beginning

Minerva's eyes widened at seeing what was once the former captain of this kingdom.

His black hair, with two white strands at his sides, was lazily pulled back with strays poking out. He had on a loose white button up, the top few buttons undone. His pants were dark, with the right leg rolled up. Under his arm was a crutch.

Minerva was shocked, Sato looked... depressed. Like an actual depressed person. Not to mention he also reeked of booze. And... smoke? There was a faint smell of smoke as well.

The knight gulped, even if Sato looked this way, he did use to be one of the most respected men in the kingdom. She should show some politeness...

"Um, I'm Minerva and this is Adva-"

"I'm guessing that bard sent you? Where is she?" He leaned against the doorframe, tired eyes looking at them boringly.

"Sleeping," Adva shrugged.

He raised an eyebrow. Huh, not that he was surprised... Just a little disappointed.

"Bella said," Minerva whispered, raising a hand to shield her lips away from passersby, "That you could tell us about the rebellion."

Sato blinked, eyes looking down at the sword hanging from Minerva's hip. Looking at it, he knew for a fact the sword was from the kingdom's military. It was regal and sturdy, just like every other sword used among the knights.

Sighing, the man moved aside and motioned for them to come in. He pointed briefly at the floor, to which the two of them took of their shoes. 

Slipping off their shoes, Adva shot a rather confused look at Minerva.

The two sat at a table, watching Sato slip off into the kitchen to fetch some tea. He limped away, grumbling something incoherent under his breath.

When he returned, he was balancing a tray of tea in one hand.

"Uh, thank you," Minerva poliety said, elbowing Adva to say the same. The necromancer mumbled a thanks, taking the tea and giving it a sniff.

"Minerva, that name sounds familiar," Sato scratched his head, pouting with closed eyes as he went through his mind.

"Uh," Minerva coughed, "Did I say Minerva? I meant my name was... Minnie?" She cringed, nearly gagging at how strange that sounded. She did not look at all like a "Minnie". The knight heard Adva giggle next to her. Minerva kicked them under the table.

"Ow-" Adva pouted at the knight.

Sato shrugged, "Huh, alright. I was sure there was someone named Minerva. Not that I know them personally. Something about her being a traitor or something. Although most people have probably forgotten, I'm sure Faust is still out to get her. If I was them, I'd hide my face away." He glanced at Minerva, sharp eyes glinting as the girl gulped nervously.

"Oh, uh, totally, ha... ha," Minerva rubbed the back of her neck, her brown hair tangling with her fingers. Adva snorted, giggling even more when Minerva shot them an annoyed look.

"So," Sato tapped his fingers against his knee, asking, "You wanted to know about the, uh... what was it again?"

"The rebellion," Minerva said, raising an eyebrow. Was this man really the former captain of this kingdom? He was a bum.

"Hm," Sato rubbed his stubbly chin, "Ah, yes, I remember. Though, I must say, talking about the rebellion in public is, er... bad. Any mention of them outside and you'll expect to be thrown in jail."

Minerva and Adva groaned, disappointingly sighing. Yeah, they already know how that felt like.

Sato leaned back in his chair, feeling discomfort in his back. The man scratched his head again, "What would you want to know?"

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