"Yes. Here." He says as he passes Yumi to you. You grab her and put her down on a bench. You tried to put her shoes on. It was a perfect fit. Just like Cinderella.

"Dear, I'll be in the bathroom. Be right back." Kara alerted you before leaving. "Yes love." You replied. When he left, you took Yumi's try-out shoes off her feet. Putting her original shoes on, she began to pout at something. You looked around to see some Minnie Mouse sun glasses.

"Oh Yumi. Do you want to have sun glasses just like Daddy?" You asked.

"Dada!" She cried. She began to craddle to the glasses. As soon as she has a hold of them, you pick her up.

"Come on. Let's go back to the cart." You said. But when you turned around, the cart was gone.

"What the he- uh heck? Where's the cart?" You yelled. You looked in all directions. "It's .....gone?"

You were startled by the fact it disappeared. You tjought you could just go and get another one from the frobt, until you remembered....

"THE DRESS!!! THE DRESS WAS IN THAT CART!!!" You screamed. So you began to look for it. You were going in different directions. Right, left, left, right, left, right, right, right, left...

You stopped to calm your nerves. After all, you have Yumi in your arms. It's gets very tiring when you have a baby.

"Jeez, where could it be?.....wait.....where am I?" You shrieked. Now you began to freak out. You were so focus on finding that cart that you didn't realize where you were going.

"Oh no, Karamatsu..."

At The Bathroom Entrance
"Now. I'm back. What else have yo-" he was stopped when he noticed no one was there. He began to freak out.

"Y/N? YUMI? WHERE ARE YOU?" He shouted.

His heart was racing. He was having one of his panic attacks. Now wasn't the time for him to cry. He needs to be a real man! He runned in every direction, peeking in every aisle he passed. He hopes to find you soon. After all, he can't live without you.

"Dang it Yumi. What are we gonna do? How are we suppose to find Kara and the missing cart?" You said. You were disappointed in yourself.

"Kara told us to stick together. That's the exact opposite we did. He's gonna be so mad. I'm scared. I wish I stayed back there. I don't vare what happena to that cart and that dress, your safety is more important. And now I'm risking it." You said out loud. You were mad at yourself. And very scared. But you needed to stay calm. If Yumi notices a sign of worry in you, she will cry.

You were about to lose hope. While eveything was still in the aisle, you hugged Yumi closer to you. It was quiet. Up until the shop put a song. It was the same song as the one in the car. "It's fineee by meeee. If yooouu neeeveeer leaveee."

"Cause when you live like this foreeeeveeerr. It's fineee by meee." You sanged. Yumi made a loud laugh. It was very loud, that it echoed in the shop.

"Yumi....YOU'RE A GENIUS!!!" You said happily.

You cleared your throat. You were doing the most embarrassing thing of all: sing.


You hoped Kara would notice.

"Where could they be? Argh, why does this store had to be so huge?!" He cried. He was about to turn around and try to call you. No answer. He remembers you left it in the car. Dang it.

Karamatsu x Reader (Single Dad AU)Where stories live. Discover now