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Credit to artist!!!

It was raining really hard. It was loud.  But not as loud as you attacking Totty.




While you were attacking Totty, the brothers were making sure Yumi didn't get in the way.

"Y/N, calm down." Choro said.


"(Gulp) Totty did make a bad decision by uploading it over the Internet. But on the bright side, everyone loves it."

All anger vanished, letting go of Totty. Totty goes towards Choro to grab his phone. Totty swipes down.

"You see, everyone loves your voice. Even Kara."


You blushed. Kara has already heard you sing before. But this time it felt different.

"Y/N? Are you ok?" Jyushi asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just need to relax."

Suddenly, the door slides open.

"I'm home." Kara panted.

You quickly went to check him up. You could hear Totty say in the back, "my my Y/N. Why are you moving so fast all of the sudden?"

Ignoring the comment, you continued to walk towards Kara. He was all soaked and wet. Poor Kara~

"Karamatsu, welcome back. But look at you, you're soaked. Let me help you with your bag."

"Thank you, my Karamatsu Girl. How sweet of you. Hope my bruzza didn't cause too much trouble this time."

"At first they didn't, but you know how they are."

Kara then walks into the living room, where everyone was.

"KARAMATSU NII SAN!!! YOU'RE WET!" Jyushi screamed.

"Yes, I am. But the rain can't stop me from getting Yumi back in my arms."

Karamatsu reaches out for Yumi. Yumi does the same. When they reunited, Yumi gave a cute smile, followed by a giggle.

"Look at you! Sleep well?" Kara says as he rubs is nose on her belly, making her giggle in response.

"She woke up right after the first thunderstrike. She was deeply asleep." You explained.

"Ah...Sleeping Beauty~"

"Yes, she's sleeping beauty." You said, rolling your eyes.

You asked Choro to help you setting the place to eat lunch. After that, you sit right next to Kara. Yumi was sitting on a pillow, next to Kara. She was between us.

"Hey, does anyone know where Osomatsu is?" Kara asked.

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen him all day." Choro responded.

"He did said he was heading out?" Y/N said next.

"Where? To work?" Totty asked sarcastically.

"Yes." Ichi responded.

"For real?" Jyushi asked.

"No. Do you really think Osomatsu will leave the house early in the morning to go to work like a responsible person would?" You asked them.

"Good point." Jyushi said.

The entrance door slide opened. Everyone frozed, knowing it's Osomatsu. He walks into the living room. He was soaked as well.

Karamatsu x Reader (Single Dad AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ