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Art by me!!!

After a few weeks, I was getting used to being around the Matsuno family. It was like I'm part of their family (not yet you are). As time passed, you also became close to Karamatsu. He would talk about work and his songs he made for Yumi. He also enjoys fashion, which both of you are planning to do today. He invited you and Totty to go shopping.

You were ready and Karamatsu came to pick you up. Turns out he is the only brothe- sorry, ahem- 'bruzza' to get a drivers license. He has this fancy car that can fit 8 people. Not enough for a family of 9, but it's fine.

"Y/N, may I say you look wonderful? Are you ready to go, my Karamatsu girl?" Kara said, as soon as he saw you.

"Yeah. Thanks." You blushed.

"Come on love birds! Fashion is calling us lame! We need new outfits!" Totty exclaimed.

Both Kara and you blushed. Kara got off his seat to open the car door.
Such a gentleman, you thought, even though you were aware it wasn't necessary. You got in and sat next to Yumi. She was sitting in her baby seat, playing with her teddy. When she saw you, a smile appeared on her face. "Hi~" you said in a squeky voice.
Karamatsu started the engines and drove to the mall.

When you guys arrived to the mall, Kara open the back of the car and took out the stroller. You had Yumi in your arms. Both of you looked at Kara as he struggled a bit. He catches both you staring at him. He blushes for a bit. "Don't worry, my Karamatsu girls. I am only warming up...". He was embarrassed. You chuckled at that statement.


You all entered the shop and looked for outfits to buy. You didn't really want to waste your money on clothes; you weren't exactly as excited as one would think. You just really wanted to hang out with Kara.

You followed Kara into the baby aisle. There, you could see cute clothes for babies: gloves, hats, dresses, shoes, jackets, and cute t-shirts that say "I'm Daddy's Girl!" All of this made you go in 'awwwwwww'. Kara started snooping around the girl clothes for Yumi's size.

"Why, isn't that a cute baby?" Both you and Kara turned around to see an elderly lady. "Why, thank you. She is indeed precious." Kara responded.

"She is. She looks just like you."

Duh. I mean, genetics. Am I right?

"Both of you are great parents." And just like that she passes by us and leaves. This commented made you both red. Both of you were having a mental breakdown. Neither said a word after that.

You snooped a bit around in the baby dress aisle, you found a cute blue baby dress that was similar to Karamatsu's hoodie. You imagined Yumi wearing it with Karamatsu: it would be like having two Karas. Just the thought of it made you smiled.

"Hey Kara. Look what I've found." You showed it to Kara.

"That's a lovely dress Y/N. It's Yumi's size. Let's buy it!"

Your heart skipped a beat at his ethusiasam.  Totty pops out of no where. (Well not really, he appeared out of the baby clothes.)

"Y/N! I saw this amazing dress and I think it would look beautiful on you! Let's go!" Totty exclaims. He grabs your hand before you could even say anything.

Totty takes you to the changing room after getting the dress. You were afraid the dress wasn't gonna fit you, but you at least try it.

When you were it, you saw yourself in the mirror. You weren't too satisfied with it but it did look beautiful.
"Come on, Y/N! Let me see you!" Totty exclaimed.

You stepped out of the changing room. Totty has his eyes wide and mouth open. "Wow. You look wonderful! Make a pose! I want to take a picture."

You were nervous, but you did pose. Totty took a few pics before Karamatsu stepped in.

"There you are guys. I was looking all over fo-"

He stops. He glanced at you in that (color) dress and had a shock face. He came back to realization when Totty coughs. "Why, my Karamatsu girl. You look fabelous in that dress~" he says.

You couldn't help but blush. Your face turn red and you could feel the heat in your cheeks.
As you all were heading back home, you and Totty had a conversation.

"Too bad we didn't buy that dress." You said.

"Yeah, but at least we learned something out of it."

"And that's ?"

"Karamatsu likes you~"

You choked on air with that simple phrase. You coughed a lot.

"Y/N, is everything alright back there?" Kara asked.

"Cough yeah I'm fine."

You stop coughing and turned back to Totty.

"What makes you think that?"

"Oh please! It's so obvious he likes you! And it's clear you like him too~" Totty whispered.

"Whaaaaattttt? Pft,"

".........why are you so in denial?"

"Cause life is crap, therefore my life is crap."

"Yeah, but this is the real thing. I mean, he always likes to talk to you and he even blushes when you're around."

"But what if it isn't what it looks like?"

"Well, it's like what Osomatsu says, When you wish upon a star..."

"Nothing happens."

"Why are you so negative?"

A/N: hey everyone. As  razy as it sounds, I may have a 2 month hiatus soon. Just giving some heads up if you guys think I unfinished the book. I will write as many chapters so you can read (and reread) during those 2 months.
Also, if you are wondering why I'm having a hiatus: it's because I'm going to Mexico, and where I'm from, there isn't enough signal. It's a ranch. ¡Viva Mexico!

If you don't understand that reference of Osomatsu singing "if you wish upon a star", then you gonna need to see this:

Karamatsu x Reader (Single Dad AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora