Migi & Hidarin

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Manaka POV:

After me and the other male, Axel, talked for a little bit. We got along pretty well. 

After that, me and Haida walked back to his house. "Bye, Manaka," Haida said with a nervous smile.I smiled back. 

"Good night I said waving goodbye. Haida walked into his house and I walked back to my house.

Haida POV:

I walked back into my house, enjoying the time I had with Manaka. I felt pangs of jealousy because of that other male.

 I think I heard his name was Axel. I growled at the name. I was about to go to bed when I heard my phone ringing.

I picked it up. It was Manaka. I answered. "Yeah?" I answered. "Hey Haida, I have a concert near you in a few hours, wanna come?" she asked through the phone.

"Sure, just let me get dressed first." I answered. "Okay!" She said through the phone.

 Right when I was finished changing, the van was parked in the garage of my house. "Hop in!" chirped Migi from inside the (beat up) van. 

I went in and all the members (including Retsuko) were there. "Hey Haida," Manaka said shyly. 

Hidarin and Migi looked at Manaka slyly. I suspected something was going on.

 "Uh, what's going on here?" I asked, just to get the usual answer, "Oh, nothing~" Migi and Hidarin said slyly.

 Nothing else was said the rest of the way there. Once we were there, the girls got ready for their performance.

Manaka POV:

Once we got there, Hidarin and Migi looked at me with sly looks on their faces. 

I knew I shouldn't have told them that I had a crush on Haida. We had a regular performance as usual, and we drove Haida back to his place.

 "ByE hAiDa!" Migi and Hidarin said between giggles, looking at me the whole time.

Haida POV:

I had a lot of fun that night, but I knew that they were hiding something from me. 

The next day, I was awoken by the doorbell ringing loudly and shouts from outside my door. I yawned and walked to the front door.

 I opened it and said grogrily, "Migi? Hidarin? Why are you here so early?" I asked. 

"You're a heavy sleeper!" They chirped in unison. "It's 10 'o'clock already!" they giggled."Huh?!" I asked.

 When I looked back at them, they weren't there. They just helped themselves inside.

 "So Haida... what do you think of Manaka?" asked Migi. 

"Yeah, do you LIKE her?" Hidarin asked slyly. 

"W-what?!" I asked, flushed. "Oh, your look tells it all." Migi and Hidarin chirped.

 "YOU LIKE HER! ADMIT IT!" They said together looking at me with determined faces. 

"OKay, fine! I like her! But you better not tell her!" I shouted.

 They looked at me so surprised. Then looked at each other with the same expression.

 Then they giggled slyly. "We won't tell her, we promise bye~!" They said quickly before walking out and slamming the door.

 Later that day, in the evening, me and Manaka were walking back to my house after having some dinner with Hidarin, Migi and Retsuko. 

We eventually ended up at my front yard. We waved goodbye and I closed the door to my house once I got inside. 

A few moments later, a shrill scream filled my ears. I knew that voice so well. 


Cliffhanger! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and stay tuned for more~



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