That One Afternoon [MODIFIED]

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Retsuko POV:

After the performance at RockStock, I felt so good! There were so many fans.. All cheering for us! I felt so good playing the guitar and singing. Maybe no one would hurt me after all..

Manaka POV:

After Retsuko left, the band was still popular. I still considered her my friend. I know. Typical Manaka, that big ol' grump, could never make any friends. But the truth was, she was a big asset to the band, and she was, well, great. Don't get me wrong, if anyone would ever, EVER! Hurt her, I would literally kill them. I practiced my guitar at home one afternoon, and the doorbell rang. I cautiously walked to my front door, and opened it a crack. Ah, it was that one weird coyote guy that saved Retsuko from the creepy guy who tried to kill her. I welcomed him in and he talked to me all about Retsuko. "I'm wondering why you're talking only about her," I said, rolling my eyes.

I told him. Right after, he told me he like-liked Retsuko. I froze. Then laughed loudly. "Ahahahaha! You're, like, joking, right? Aheh.."

I chuckled until he eyed me with a long face. "Oh.." said again as he face-palmed himself. "I'll be going now." He said. "By the way, my name's Haida."

He said, walking out the door. I was rubbing my eyes. Then I continued practicing my guitar. Another knock came at the door the next day too. "Ughhhhh... who the hell is it...!"I groaned as I opened the front door grogrily.

 Again, it was the Haida guy. "Okay, what do you want now, Haida?"

I asked as I let him in my house. He told me about everything he liked about Retsuko and I was already asleep the time he finished. "Uh, hey what do you think? Um, Manak- MANAKA! WAKE UP!"

He yelled in my ear. "...AhAhA!! What the hell, dude!"I yelled at him.

Haida POV


I yelled at Manaka's ear. She was a heavy sleeper, one thing I know about her. "...AhAhA!! What the hell, dude!"

She yelled at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "You fell asleep while I was talking. Talk about disrespectful!"

I said irritated. "Okay.. I'm sorry.." she muttered. "But why do you even want to talk to me about this!" She asked, clearly annoyed at me. Um, was I being the chatterbox?! "Okay, I wanted to talk to you about this because you're so close to Retsuko."

I said. "Um, alright. I have to eat dinner okay? So you can go away now."She said hopping into her kitchen. 

"Okay, bye Manaka,"I said as I walked to the front door. 

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