Akihiro?[Part 1]

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Retsuko POV:

...Akihiro. That's my name. Akihiro.

To be honest, that name sounded familiar. I felt like I met him before.

Well, then, Akihiro. Thank you for telling me.

Well, you've asked me a question. Now can I ask you one?

I guess you can.

 Do you happen to have a friend, chinchilla, looks about 20-26 years old, and carries a bat all the 


How did you know?

Met her.

I don't think that she would be out, spilling out personal information.

Yeah, I think I just saw her phone. She was texting you I suppose?

Yes that's right, but when did you meet her?

I think it was at noon or something.

Okay, but I have a ton of questions. Uh, you don't mind answering them do you?

No. That would just take up to much time. 

And that was the last time he (Akihiro?) sent me a message today.

 At least that was what I thought. I sighed, throwing my phone on the ground. 

I heard the loud smack of my phone case hitting the ground; but not the ding of a new message from Akihiro. 

Manaka POV:

After I met that guy, I felt odd.It was as if he knew that I had a crush on Haida.

 And Axel. 

But which one? Both are so sweet, I don't think I would be able to choose.

 Maybe Haida. I met him first, and developed feelings for him first.

 Or maybe I would regret that. I don't know! I sighed, and as soon as time could possibly go, it was afternoon. 

I practiced some of my vocals and my guitar playing in time for my concert. 

I don't think Migi and Hidarin bothered to practice their drum and guitar, but fine. 

They could do whatever they thought was well for them.  

If relaxing was going to help them prepare for the concert then- 

"Manaka! It's time! The curtains are lifting and you're just sitting there daydreaming!" I heard Migi's voice chirp. 

"Yeah! C'mon! Wake up! Don't just stand there!"Hidarin added. 

I snapped out of my trance and noticed that I was onstage, I was holding my guitar, and the curtain was lifting, revealing the cheering fans behind it.

 I started to play my guitar. Louder and louder. And I didn't even hear the loud booming voice of..

 Who was this? Hyodo. I turned around, and saw him looking angrily at me. 

I suddenly felt so sleepy and dizzy and tired, I fainted. 

Or at least that was what I thought happened. I just suddenly felt my head thud on something and 

I just.. saw... black.... I suddenly woke up in my own bed, Migi and Hidarins faces turned grim instead of their usually excited and happy faces.

 I saw Mr. Hyodo walking in paces talking on the phone. 

"Uh, guys? I had a  really bad dream. And a headache."I said, rubbing my head. 

"I don't think it was dream," Migi started, with a sad expression on her face.

 "But we are happy you're alive!" Hidarin finished, with a relieved look on her face. 

Mr. Hyodo looked at me, alarmed. "Manaka!"

 he said, as he noticed me with a quick turn of his head. He looked angry, yet there was relief coming from his voice and a gleam of happiness coming from his eyes.

  "What happened back there?! I just told you to soften the noise or else everybody would be deaf!" He said, shaking his head.

 "Are you going heavy on drinks? Do you need healthcare or something?" He asked me.

 "Actually, no, I haven;t drank anything for quite a while and, uh I'm not an old person if you think I need medication." I said.

 I just realized my throat hurt. I thought for a while how I could've possibly passed out; right there on stage.

 Then, I thought about what the old man said, And how it made me feel odd..

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