episode 13

691 46 3

The two arrived at Hyunjin's unit safely, they went inside his unit. It's quite big for a single person to live in

"Are you alone here? It's quite spacious" Seungmin asked

"Yeah, but not for long when you start living together with me" Hyunjin replied and winked at Seungmin

"You just started courting me earlier and you really take your flirting to the next level" Seungmin replied while chuckling

"Well, it's not bad for me to think of our future plans right? Do you not like it?" Hyunjin asked

"I mean, it's not that I'm against with the idea of me moving in" Seungmin flirted back

"You're really keeping up with my flirting huh?" Hyunjin teased


Seungmin went to the living room and plopped on the sofa

"How comfy" Seungmin cooed as he snuggled on the sofa

"I'm more comfortable tho" Hyunjin said

"You're really not gonna stop with those aren't you?" Seungmin said while chuckling

"Never, I can also flirt to the next level. But, i'll just lie low for now" Hyunjin said earning a playful eyeroll from the latter

"Jinnie, you have some chips? Also, let's watch a movie" Seungmin suggested

"Sure, Imma get some foods"

"I'll follow"

Seungmin followed Hyunjin and roamed his eyes around the unit.

"Your unit is really good Jinnie, it's so neat and clean."

"Thanks, oh I have a dog too. Maybe she's in my room. Let me go check on Kkami"

Seungmin nodded as he went to his room. Seungmin just grabbed a potato chip and went to the living room.

He grabbed the remote and pressed the Netflix button, he scanned some movies and finally found one.

"Jinnie, come here" Seungmin shouted as he munches his potato chips

"Coming!" Hyunjin entered the living room with kkami on his arms

"Aweee she looks adorable" Seungmin cooed trying to pet kkami

"Let's watch the movie" Seungmin suggested

"Sure" Hyunjin replied as he sat beside Seungmin

Seungmin lay his head on Hyunjin's shoulder.

Then later on, the two starting to get closer with each other.

Hyunjin snaked his arms around Seungmin's waist and held it

Seungmin pushed his body more onto Hyunjin, his head is currently near Hyunjin's neck while Hyunjin's hands is on his waist

They're comfortable with each other, Seungmin felt so happy, as well as Hyunjin who's squealing on the inside

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