episode 3

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Hyunjin is washing the dishes together with Seungmin, he insisted to help him which Seungmin didn't want to but agreed in defeat because of his stubborness

"You know, you really don't have to help me. I'm fine, you're tired too" Seungmin said

Hyunjin stopped at what he was doing and looked at Seungmin

"Just let me" Hyunjin said and smiled

"Thank you though" Seungmin said as he blew some bubbles to Hyunjin

"Hey!" Hyunjin laughed as he take a revenge on Seungmin that has already bubbles on his nose


"Okay! That's enough love birds! Stop it already, I never felt so single while watching you two ugh" Jeongin said as he walked out from the washing area

The two stopped and looked at each other and laughed at their silliness

"Hey, Felix had the same situation as us earlier, y'know the one that I reached the Sugar for you. The only difference is that, Changbin can't reach it either and called me to help them" Hyunjin told Seungmin the story as Seungmin laughed

'His laugh is so cute uwu' Hyunjin thought

The two finished washing the dishes and they went to the changing room and changed into casual clothes

The two already finished their videos in the test kitchen

"Jisung is currently taking over the video and it looks disastrous, just look at the set. It's pure chaos" Seungmin muttered

Hyunjin just laughed

It's currently 4:27pm and Seungmin started packing his stuffs

"Hey, going home?" Hyunjin asked

"Yeah" Seungmin replied


"Yeah, Cool. You dipshit. I thought you're better than that Hyunjin!" Jisung shouted from the other hallway

"Why does he pops up everywhere?" Hyunjin muttered under his breath

Seungmin chuckled

"I'm going" Seungmin said as he wore his backpack and plugged in his earphones

"See you tomorrow Hyunjin" Seungmin said as he left the room

After a few minutes...

"You literally just let him go?" Felix asked

Hyunjin looked at him

"What? What am I supposed to do?" Hyunjin asked

"You're really obvious that you like him" Felix said

"I mean he's cute, pretty and all but I don't"

"You just described him like you love him sksksk" Felix said and rolled his eyes

"Did I?"

"Yes! You fucktard"

"Okay fine, just don't swear at me" Hyunjin chuckled

"Oh, I'm so sorry Hyunjin for fucking swearing because I don't fucking care you dipshit fucking oblivious human frick. I'm leaving"

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