My Boyfriend, Her Boyfriend

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  • Dedicated to my best friend, we'll never let guys come between us!

My Boyfriend, Her Boyfriend

My boyfriend

A guy from my school

he's funny

and charming

but not that cool

My best friend

a dumb blonde for sure

managed to find

someone mature

My boyfriend

he's cute and sweet

and his kiss

always makes me weak

but his grades are bad

and he's always in detention

I'm surprised

he never got a suspension

My bestfriend

somehow has got it all

she's in love, for sure

but hardly knows him at all

they met at a dance,

one october night

and some would say

it was love at first sight

My boyfriend

well, he has got me

we're in love, somehow

but we're not meant to be

My bestfriend

has found her charmer

we all say

he's her night in shining armour

My boyfriend

is oh so loyal

we all call him

my retard wrapped in tinfoil

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