1: The Beginning

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*Present Day*

“Mom, how did you and daddy meet?” Darcy asked looking at me from the kitchen table. Her father, Harry was sitting next to her. He looked at me with a smirk and a twinkle in his eye.

“I knew this question would come someday.” I sighed, smiling as I recalled the tale. It was a good tale to me.

“Best story ever.” Harry said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He startled me that’s for sure.

“Hun, don’t do that while I’m cooking!” I chastised. “I almost sent the pot flying!” I was making dinner for Harry, a few family friends, Darcy, and I. Harry was going to cook, but I insisted, since last weekend he grilled.

He chuckled, planted a kiss on my cheek, and walked to the fridge getting out a beer. I raised my eyebrow at him. “Drinking before the boys come? Isn’t that going to put you in a hole with them?”

Harry rolled his eyes. “I’m sure they’ll survive! It’s one beer.” He went to sit back down, ruffling Darcy’s hair on the way.

“Mom!” Darcy whined, as she swatted at her father’s hand. “I want to know the story! I think I’m old enough now. I’m fourteen!”

“Alright sweetie.” I said, smiling, while looking back at my husband. He was gorgeous and Darcy looked just like him. “Hun, do you want to tell it?” I asked, tasting the spaghetti to make sure it was soft enough.

Perfect. I then put the noodles in the strainer and started added the sauce.

“No, I think you should tell it. I’d like to hear your side for once.” He chuckled. “You’ve made me tell it to you a thousand times.” I blushed. That was true. I like hearing what he thought of me back then.


“Hello!” I heard the boys shout from the entryway, cutting me off.  They don’t even bother to knock anymore.

“Darcy!” Niall yelled spotting my daughter first thing and running over to her and picking her up in a hug.

“Hello Uncle Niall!” She laughed. All the other boys followed in Niall’s lead. Choruses of “Darcy’s!” were yelled until everybody had given her a spinning hug. They were all uncles to Darcy. She of course knew they weren’t actually related. But they’ve been around so long, that it just makes sense. They were apart of our family.

“Hello boys!” I replied happily. “Where are the wives and kids?” I asked wondering why they didn’t come along. I would’ve enjoyed the girl time, and I know Darcy would’ve enjoyed the other kids company.

“Danielle wanted to come, but she has a late dance class tonight that she had to teach for their recital tomorrow. She’s completely freaking out! And it doesn’t help little Danielle either.” Liam said grabbing a beer out of the fridge and making himself comfortable at the table.  Little Danielle was their daughter, (obviously). Danielle has always been a dancer, but since she’s a little to old for the music videos now, She teaches one of the best dance classes in London.

“What a shame. I’m sure they’ll do fine! They always do.” I replied. All the other boys had taken it upon themselves to get a beer also. “I was thinking, since it’s actually sunny out for once, we should eat on the deck.” I said looking out the window, then turning around to face them. “Don’t ya think?”

“That’s a lovely idea. I’ll help get the plates and stuff.” Harry replied getting up while the boys made comments like, ‘She’s got you whipped’ and ‘Where’s your leash Harry?’. To which he just ignored.

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