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Gemma went to check on Happy to find him leaned back in his chair snoozing and holding Ambrosia's hand. The man hadn't slept much the last few nights and she could tell he was desperately in need of some rest. He seemed much more at peace than he had the past few days. He was so on edge even most of his brothers were afraid to approach him. Clay had even expressed his concern for the Killah but wouldn't bring this up with anyone but her.

The test results from Ambrosia hadn't come back yet, according to her nurse, making Gemma just nod. She walked down the hall to check in with Lilac and Jezebel. Both were awake and still recovering from their gun shot wounds. Gemma explained to each one all that she knew making both sigh with relief that she had been found and found alive. "She'll bounce back from this. She did it the first time, she can do it again!" Jezebel told the Queen Bee making her smile.

Lilac was worried about the emotional toll this would take on her friend. She hoped she wouldn't push everyone away. Gemma stayed with Lilac to talk to her a little more, getting to know the three women a bit better. She was shocked to discover they were from all over the place. Jacksonville, Dallas, and then Deliverance. Lilac told her how they'd all come together and how they'd bought their house together. Gemma could see how sad she was at talking about their house. They had literally lost everything.

It was finally dark outside so the bikers helped Evan to his feet. They took the stairs down to the parking garage where Juice had moved the van. The shoved him inside, binding his feet and putting a gag on him, before shutting the doors and walking to their bikes. Jax sent a text to Happy letting him know they were on their way to the cabin. The vibrating in his pocket woke Happy from the semi-peaceful slumber he was having. Hearing they were on their way to the cabin, however, got his juices flowing.

He kissed her forehead before leaving her alone. Gemma had just left Lilac's room to get some coffee when she saw Happy. Calling out his name made him turn around. He told her what was about to happen and asked her to sit with Ambrosia until he returned. Gemma nodded and told him to take care of his business. He just nodded back and turned on his heels. The Queen Bee got her coffee and went to sit with Ambrosia. Happy wouldn't be back for hours, she was sure of it.

He raced to the cabin even though it would be a while before the others arrived. He paced the room, thoughts going over and over what all he was going to do to the sonofabitch who hurt his Ambrosia. He stopped his pacing. "His Ambrosia"? NO! He didn't have a woman. He didn't need a woman. So why was he so worked up over this one? She was special. As he paced, he decided to make sure she knew just how special.

A few hours had gone by and the sound of several motorcycles could be heard rolling up. Happy He grinned sadistically as he waited. Juice and Tig brought in a wriggling Evan who was still bound and gagged. Happy had all the tools he'd need laid out for his "guest" to see. Evan's eyes widened as he looked at the table.

"He's all yours, Hap!" Jax smirked as he shoved Evan closer to Happy.

Happy lifted his bound hands over a meat hook to keep him in the position he wanted him in. The Tacoma Killah just silently walked around him as everyone but Tig left the room. Juice sat out in the van waiting to move the body to the morgue upon Jax's instruction. Tig was going to help Happy since his girl had been shot because of this asshole.

"Do you know why you're here?" Happy asked Evan who merely shook his head no, "Because you messed with the wrong women. She left you for a reason. You should have taken that as a message. But then you had to come back into her life to wreak havoc. you're going to feel my wrath for the things you've done to her."

"Ah, Mrs. Morrow. It's nice to see you again." The doctor, Doctor Baker, stated as he entered the room with Ambrosia's chart.

"How is she, doc?" Gemma asked.

"Fractured ribs, severe deep muscle bruising, lots of lacerations, welts, a few cigarette burns, fractured nose, her face is swelled, she has a concussion from all the blows to her head. We did a sexual assault kit and it appears she's been repeatedly sexually assaulted." Doctor Baker exclaimed, "But there's no broken bones. So that is a good thing. It's going to take her time to physically recover from this. She's to do no heavy lifting, pulling, shoving, anything strenuous for the next six weeks."

"Thank you, doc. Do you think she's going to recover psychologically?" Gemma inquired.

"We're going to set her up with the hospital's psychiatrist for an eval to see." Doctor Baker told her, "We're going to keep her sedated for another day to try and let her mind rest from the ordeal. She completely freaked on us when we took her for testing."

"Ok. Thanks." Gemma sat back down before taking her phone out to call her son.

She let him know what the doctor had said. He let the others know who all quickly angered. Jax headed into the cabin as Happy was pulling out one of Evan's teeth with a set of pliers. He explained what the doctor had told his mother, including how she'd been repeated sexually assaulted. Happy growled in anger before pulling out three more teeth. Evan moaned in pain making Happy smile inwardly.

Over the next several hours, Happy broke ever single joint in Evan's body. He cut off each fingertip. He ripped out each and every tooth. Happy shot both knee caps out of place. The Tacoma Killah even carved a large "H" in the middle of chest just like he had done to his poor Ambrosia. Happy beat Evan so badly, his face was so swollen he wasn't recognizable anymore. Once Happy had done all he felt the need to do, Tig helped him take the near-dead body down and called for Juice.

They took him down to the local morgue where the mortician had already fired up the crematorium for them. No one would ever find his body. He would never be able to harass Ambrosia again. Happy worried how she was going to take the news that he'd killed her ex. He'd already told her he was a violent man but she still seemed to like the talks they had. After heading back to the clubhouse to clean himself up, he headed straight to the hospital to take Gemma's place in watching over Ambrosia.

A/N: Think Happy did the right thing? How is Ambrosia going to react at the news?

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