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The week had passed slowly for the men. They liked being waited on. Ambrosia did a medical check on them each day to see how they were healing with their lacerations and concussions. The women cooked each meal, helped the men to the table, and cleaned up after wards. They played games to pass the time or watched movies. Jax could see the attraction his SAA had to the short haired redhead and wondered how this was going to play out.

Ambrosia had religiously been checking the weather channel knowing how much the men were itching to get home. Finally, after ten days, the worst part of the storm had passed them. It was still snowing outside but snowplows had come through the major roads. They would have to drive extraordinarily slow, but they'd be able to get their guests to the hospital.

"Ok fellas, the worst of the storm has passed. The roads aren't the best but we can get you to the hospital now." Ambrosia stated as she walked into the living room, "Once you're released from the hospital, we'll take you to the airport so you can get home. Hopefully safely."

"Really?!" Jax's eyes widened.

"Yep. Lilac is warming up her SUV now. It'll be slow-going since the roads still aren't the best but you'll be going home soon." She told the group who were just staring at her, "Oh, you should be able to make telephone calls when you're at the hospital. We still don't have service out here yet."

"Thank you, Ambrosia. For everything." Jax smiled at her as Lilac entered through the front door.

"SUV's ready." She stated.

Jax made his crew give the ladies their numbers "in case something came up and they needed them" making Ambrosia laugh. She gave them her number as well as the house number and said they were welcome to call anytime. Jezebel gave Tig her number and said he was welcome to call her anytime he needed to talk about anything. He just looked down at the beautiful redhead and wondered how she could like a man like him.

"Best get on the road soon." Lilac stated as she walked over to Jax to help him outside into the awaiting SUV.

One by one, the women got the men into the SUV. Ambrosia was driving them to the hospital so they all waved at Lilac and Jezebel who stood on the front porch and waved back. Jezebel was sure she'd never hear from Tig again and that made her sad. She had liked the talks they had. Even if he was a violent man. She never saw that. He was always kind and tender with her. That's the Tig she knew.

The drive took over an hour, she was barely going twenty miles an hour after all, before they reached the local hospital. She'd called ahead to let the staff know she was bringing in four men from the plane crash and let them know what all she'd done and her assessment of their conditions. She was going to stay at the hospital until they'd been released. Once they were released, she was taking them to the airport so they could get home.

Each man had x-rays, CAT scans, and thorough examinations done. It irritated both Tig and Happy but they were wise enough to keep their mouths shut. All had casts on their legs and were given crutches to use. Tig had a cast on his left arm. They cleaned and rebandaged all lacerations the fellas had. The doctor didn't think they needed to be held overnight so he released them. Jax called Clay's phone from the hospital, since all their pre-paid phones had been damaged in the crash, to let him know what had gone on.

Clay sighed with relief knowing they were all safe and would be home soon. He relayed the information he'd gotten and watched as Gemma sighed as well. She immediately got to planning a "welcome home" party for the boys. Bobby went to get the prospects to help Gemma with her errands while Juice got some of the 'ol ladies to help Gemma with the cooking. Jax couldn't wait to get home, he knew his mother would be planning a big meal when they arrived.

Ambrosia stopped in front of the gate so they could get out. She helped each one who in turn gave her a tight hug. She wished them the best. Happy held on a bit longer than the rest and breathed in her shampoo while he could.

"We can't thank you enough for all you've done for us. Seriously. You saved our lives. We owe you." Jax stated.

"Nah. We didn't do anything more than what a decent human being would do. It's been a pleasure having you fellas in our home this past week and a half." She smiled at him, "Remember to take it easy while you're still healing. You're still dealing with concussions, bruised ribs, and deep muscle bruising. Keep those lacerations cleaned and bandaged up so they don't get infected."

"Will do, doc." Chibs chuckled making her smile at him.

"Well, I'd better get back to the house before it gets too dark outside. Take care of yourselves, fellas." She told them again.

"You too, Darlin'." Jax stated, "And again, thanks for everything."

Looking around at all four, she finally took a deep breath and walked back to the driver's side of the SUV. The four men hobbled into the airport to buy tickets. Happy was already missing Ambrosia's sweet laughter and good-natured ribbing. The only person who cooked as well as those women did was Gemma and his momma. He already missed their cooking. Jax bought four tickets and handed them to each of his brothers. Their flight left in an hour so they hobbled on their crutches to the security line.

After some nasty looks by the security staff and other passengers, they finally found seats in the waiting area for their flight. One security guard stayed nearby making Jax roll his eyes. They sat around in silence waiting their flight to be called. Tig sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. Her face immediately popped into his mind. Her body followed and he couldn't help but look her over. She had looked amazing in what she wore that day.

It brought out the color of her bright red hair and he loved it

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It brought out the color of her bright red hair and he loved it. Redheads had always been fiery and he loved the attitude. Jezebel was a very fiery, passionate person he'd found out over the course of their brief time together. She quickly called him out on his bullshit which normally would have irritated him. That was one thing he knew he was going to miss. And those expressive eyes of hers. He could read her solely through her eyes, he was sure of it. Someone kicking his foot made him open his eyes. "Time to go, brother." Jax informed him. Chibs and Happy were already standing in line.

A/N: All good things must come to an end, eh? Or do they? O.O

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