The Journey Begins

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The palace doors opened wide, allowing a cloaked figure entrance.

The doors opened to an extravagant room. Or perhaps a hallway would better describe it. It was a long corridor with a ceiling so high one had to look to find it. The silver stone walls were adorned with intricate embroidered tapestries, most of which depicted a powerful ruler and a prosperous kingdom. The floor was stone tile until the very end, which rose into carpeted stairs and then a cushy platform. On each side of the platform stood an advisor, and next to each advisor was a door. On top of the platform sat the king.

The king, perched upon his cushioned gold throne, watched with disdain as the figure walked slowly, reluctantly, forward. Finally the cloak was drawn off.

The head of the royal guard kneeled before the king's throne. The king sneered.

"Tell me the news you have brought," he demanded information from the prostrated guard. The man hesitated. When he replied, his voice was shaky and unsure.

"Your majesty, I have returned from a long and arduous journey... My soldiers and I have spared no effort for you, my liege. Your glory and importance are truly all we think of on the road, sire..."

"Cut the flattery," the king interrupted with a voice raised in anger. "What has happened to my shipment? The gold and jewels you were meant to be protecting?"

The poor head of guard gulped. "My deepest apologies," he gasped, bowing still deeper, "we were attacked while on the road with your shipment. Every coin and bangle was stolen by bandits, each one stronger than ten of my own men!"

A rotund adviser in fine clothing, standing to the right side of the king's throne, spoke up. "Are these bandits known to us?"

"Yes, sire. They were the infamous Sonic Rogues. I am positive of it," the head guard lifted his head slightly to meet the advisor's gaze. The advisor's cold glare made him quickly resume his previous humble position.

"This gang has caused us too much trouble! You are royal guards with decades of training. Yet you can't handle a single hedgehog and his ragtag group of woodland bums. Surely you have an idea of how to apprehend them? Are there any ideas in that tiny brain of yours?!" The advisor, Sir Robotnik, berated him sharply.

"Leave this to me, Ivo. I can punish my guards myself," the King took over coldly. He stared down his nose at the captain, who gulped.

Taking sudden confidence, the captain braced his shoulders and straightened up. He still knelt, but no longer faced the floor.

"My benevolent King, we do have one tip that may help us apprehend the crooks," he stated boldly, "these Sonic Rogues have stolen from and incapacitated many a soldier, but... never a lady! We believe they abide by the laws of chivalry." He watched the two powerful men excitedly, trying to read their expressions.

This comment served only to deepen the king's scowl.

"So? I have no lady soldiers to send out. I'm sexist, it comes with being evil."

The three men settled into a cold, awkward silence.

A knock at the side door interrupted their emotional air conditioning. The king motioned for a timid servant to open the large door to his direct left.

Framed by the ornate golden entryway was the beautiful Princess Rouge. A painted fan covered half of her face graciously. Only her curled hairdo and sultry, heavily shadowed eyes could be seen. She wore a fine pink gown. The bodice clung tightly to her chest and corset, leading down to a wide flared skirt adorned with rows of glittering gems and pearls.

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