Attempted Rescue

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Knuckles received a few cuts from jumping through the jagged broken window, but they didn't faze him. He hit the ground hard, but on his feet, and dashed off to find his friends. It didn't seem like those soldiers had captured any of them, but they were seen; he hoped nobody was hurt. His heart was racing so fast it seemed like it would burst.

He turned a corner and ran into a rather solid man. Once he picked himself up, he realized it was Vector.

"Knuckles..! What are you doing running around like that?" Vector gasped, turning around. He was with Charmy and Espio.

"Vector—" Knuckles had to catch his breath, bewildered that his teammates didn't show the slightest sign of being panicked. "The soldiers, they said they caught you all stealing the tax money! I rushed out of there, they almost caught me too, I worried you might be hurt!"

Vector stumbled backwards a bit. "Huh? We were seen? Uh oh."

"We've got to tell Sonic," Espio exclaimed. Vector, Charmy, and Espio led the way down some winding streets and past late rioters, to the center of town where the rest of the gang was. Sonic, surrounded by villagers, looked up when he noticed Knuckles and the others running toward him. The villagers parted to make a path for them.

"Chaotix! Knuckles? What's the trouble?"

"According to Knuckles," Vector explained, pushing the echidna forward, "the soldiers saw us taking all of them coins today."

"Yikes," Sonic said, "But nobody interrupted us taking them, and we've already given them all out... How do you know, Knux?"

He took a deep breath and began his explanation. "While I was with the Princess, the head of guard and his cronies busted in and said they saw you all. They accused the Princess of being our accomplice, then tried to get me but I jumped out the window and ran here!"

One of the villagers spoke up. "You were with the Princess? And you didn't kill her?" The atmosphere around him grew stiff. Knuckles addressed the people.

"For your information, Princess Rouge understands the people's issues, and she's already making steps to improve the quality of life for everyone. We need to get her to the castle alive so she can make the King change his laws! Killing her won't do any good, in fact it would throw away our best chance at real change in this country!"

The townspeople whispered among themselves for a moment, then one of them said "too little, too late. The fastest way to change the King's mind is to kill his daughter!"

Another one piped up. "Make the royal family feel the tradgedy we have!"

"They've brought this on themselves!"

"Actions mean consequences!"

"She doesn't deserve our mercy!"

The calls of the people rose into the night sky. They shook their fists and shouted angrily. A speech from a single man on the Princess's side wouldn't calm their years of stewing frustration. Knuckles snapped at them still. Vector had to hold his arms back so he didn't lunge at any of the people and make the situation worse.

"You don't know anything! You don't know her!" He yelled at them.

Sonic stepped in. "The Princess has been our ally for a while. We can postpone her execution just until next month, can't we? Let's see how this goes." He addressed the people, standing in front of Knuckles.

"One more month?" They asked.

"Just one. If nothing changes, I'll kill her myself," Sonic said in a calming tone. Knuckles hoped that he was bluffing, but couldn't be certain. Sonic had been hurt by the King's policies too.

Rouge and the Rogue (Knuxouge)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang