Manor Peril

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The next morning over breakfast, Sir Edgar Stone announced their next stop.

"We are nearing the lands ruled by Duke and Duchess White. Since we have the Princess and a few newbies with us, I'll explain what that means. The Duke and Duchess graciously collect their lands' taxes for us and allow us all to stay at their manor overnight. So today will be an easy day. You may actually enjoy it. Under no circumstances will you disrespect the Whites. They hold the most power in this kingdom under the royal family and the King's personal advisors, and we are their guests."

Everyone nodded, their mouths too full to respond properly. Rouge vaguely remembered the Whites, though she had not seen them for years. They lived together and were a Duke and Duchess, but they weren't a married couple. They were siblings. The whites loved music and performing, and thankfully they were good at it, so the Princess looked forward to a concert during their visit.

She hoped they would also prepare a feast. The church didn't exactly serve a five-star meal.

Once the soldiers and Rouge had piled back into their carriages, they set off on the road. It took quite a few hours on the road. Past the cluster of villages they had already visited was miles of farmland. On the ride, Rouge opened her carriage's side door and stood on the edge. The wind blew past her, ruffling her perfectly-coiffed hair so a few curled strands stuck out. She watched as golden fields of wheat rushed past her. Her moment was cut short when one of the carriage drivers yelled at her to close the door.

The next time she opened her carriage door was when she was stepping out of it. They had finally arrived at the gorgeous manor. Rouge studied the grand stone building. It was several stories, four if she had to guess, and had many doors and windows. The grounds were immaculately cared for. They had an outdoor amphitheater. A servant ran out to greet the soldiers and take care of their carriages and horses. The servant boy did a double take when he saw the Princess there, but quickly averted his gaze and fulfilled his duties silently. Finally free of their vehicles, the soldiers and Rouge, led by Sir Edgar, filed into the manor through the gigantic double doors.

Once inside, the Duke and Duchess White greeted them formally.

"Welcome again to our manor, Sir Edgar, it's an honor to have you here," Duchess White said cordially. Duke White simply bowed.

"The honor is all mine. Thank you again for hosting us," Sir Edgar bowed deeply. He then gestured for Rouge to step forward.

Looking at the brother and sister, Rouge suddenly felt self-conscious. They had extremely fine clothes, finer than any she had brought along on the trip. The Duchess especially had a gorgeous black gown with diamonds or clever imitations on the bodice, and she wore silver accessories on her wrists and ears. The Duke wore a matching black jacket, but had more earrings than his sister. Both wore large medallions. Rouge hadn't seen the two for years, but they seemed to be the same age. She was the Princess, but she wore a purple gown adorned with a few white pearls, much less than their garb. Plus her hair had been all messed up from the carriage ride. She stepped forward to greet them awkwardly. They didn't show the slightest sign they were surprised to see the Princess there.

"It is lovely to see you, Duke; Duchess," she curtsied to both of them individually.

"Oh, you don't need to curtsy to us," the Duchess blushed, though it was hard to see on her pink fur. Her brother again didn't say anything, though he stared at Rouge.

"Of course—" Rouge straightened up— "but I would like to. Take it as a sign of respect for your help and gracious hosting."

"Oh my," the Duchess grinned. A maid appeared next to her, and the duchess gestured to her as she explained "This girl will show you to your rooms. You may rest for an hour before dinner starts." The Princess and Sir Edgar nodded and followed the maid as she went up a flight of stairs, giving each of the soldiers their own rooms on the second floor. The Princess was led to a larger room on the third floor. As she entered, she realized her luggage had already been brought in and a new gown laid out for her. She gasped; how kind of them to even give her a new outfit! She had been nervous, but Duchess White was such a sweetheart that it put her at ease.

Rouge and the Rogue (Knuxouge)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora