Let's Walk Right into a Trap

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Espio returned to the clearing in the late evening. He was shivering from the outside chill, but he clutched a scarf around his neck and a piece of parchment in his hand.

The others had just finished setting up a large hut out of wood. It was going to be their primary shelter for the autumn. Vector spotted the chameleon running into the clearing and waved to him.

"Hey Espio! Any news from the town?" He asked by way of a greeting.

Espio stopped to catch his breath, having run a long way. The air was so cold that his exhales were visible. "Yeah," he gasped, "I've got real important news." He showed the parchment to Vector.

"Everyone's inside. We'd better tell them about this." Vector and Espio entered the wood hut.

The inside was rustic and rather cramped. Some old sheets donated from Lady Rose lined the ground. There was a small stone fire pit in the middle of the structure. The bandits got little space to themselves, but since it was primarily for warmth and everyone was cool with each other, this wasn't a bad thing. Everyone turned when Espio entered, many of them saying hi.

"I took this poster from the town. There's one on every door," Espio explained, passing the piece of parchment around.

The poster read: JEWEL AND GEM EXHIBITION. The King invites all peasants to see the kingdom's wealth through a public display of the Royal Jewels and more. Open to all for the next week.

"Wow, that's... bold," Tails commented.

"Or stupid," said Charmy.

"The nerve of this guy!" Vector huffed. "Gonna rub his riches in our faces, huh?"

The paper had been around the whole group now, and it came to Rouge. She held the flyer in her hands and stared at it for a while. In a way, this was the first communication she'd had from her Father since she'd run away. Jewels, they were here favorite, and he knew that.

"This has got to be a trap," She said.

"For once I agree with Rouge. That old man has never held an exhibition before, much less let commoners onto his land. He's trying to lure us in," Sonic affirmed. A serious hush fell over the bandits. Rouge couldn't tear her eyes away from the paper. Her mind was flooded with thoughts and emotions that were difficult to put names on. There was guilt over leaving her father, melancholy over her past, indignation that the King would try something like this, and worry for her friends.

Knuckles tapped her hand, so she handed him the paper. He promptly ripped it in half.

"Wha— Knuckles!" She cried out, startled.

"We're not going, so we don't need this," he explained, tossing the halves on the floor.

"Let the King waste his time on that trap. We won't get caught that easily," Silver agreed, shrugging.

"Well," Tails chimed in softly, "it could have been an opportunity for Rouge to see her dad. Maybe if she went in a disguise?"

Rouge disagreed. "No, I never want to see that old man again. Knuckles is right, It's better we don't go. Though," she glared at her boyfriend, "he could have said that without destroying our evidence."

A general voice of consensus came from the bandits. Except Blaze.

Silver noticed she was holding her tongue. "What do you think, Blaze?" He asked.

She furrowed her brow. "Maybe we should still go."

Her teammates stared at her incredulously.

"What part of 'trap' didn't you understand?" Sonic cried out.

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