22 (2)

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Hesitant knocks were heard and the couple was confused, their eyes darted to the door for a split seconds before looking back at each other. Their minds wondered who in the hell would come to their house in the early morning and not to mention both of them haven't showered and went straight to cuddling session at the sofa.

The girl grumbled softly before walking towards to the door. Her fiancée giggles softly at her and averts his gaze to the television, changing through some boring channels. The girl unlocks the keypad and swings the door open. Her eyes couldn't believe what she saw but what she knew that its real and its happening.

"h-h-hey..joong.." his fiancée stutters as her eyes couldn't leave the guest in-front. Hongjoong hums in reply but only to receive nothing afterwards. Weirded out by it, he rises from the couch and walks over to the door, what he saw at the entrance made his movements halt.

There, stood a long haired girl and a taller yet unrecognizable boy behind her. when her eyes reflect hongjoongs', both of them are at loss of words. Either how they look, how they appeared, how they drastically changed, there's nothing in between. But she was sure, hongjoong didn't expect this kind of reunion.

What surprises her was her used-to-be enemy who greets her at the door. Her enemy and her 'best friend' together in a house.

the air was so thick between them, it's so intense that hyurin starts regretting going there. suddenly, the boy behind her clears his throat knowing his legs starts to sore for standing too long. "I know this is such a bad way to have a reunion but I'm byungchan, her friend" byungchan speaks for her since he knew how nerve-wrecking it'll be for her to talk.

Hongjoong lets out a relief sigh when byungchan introduces himself as her friend. He taps nara's shoulder and the girl jolts at his touch. "go and prepare some drinks." He demands and the girl nodded before leaving to the kitchen.

Hongjoong invites the both of them to enter and they immediately went in without any hesitation. As they followed behind him, byungchan constantly swirls his body in circles, observing the house. Hongjoong chuckled when he notices him like a curious puppy, "I'm sorry if the house looks unpleasant to you. I've been staying here ever since I was a child"

Byungchan waves his hand, disagreeing his words "no, its not! It's just so small and cute. Also, cozy for both of you staying here."

Hyurin chuckled at his comment as hongjoong points to the sofa and they obeyed before feeling their bottom on the soft cushion. It was awkward, very awkward. As if they just knew each other yesterday. Not long after that, nara came with a tray and drinks and places it on the coffee table before sitting beside hongjoong.

"have a drink," nara bid and the guest nodded before byungchan helps himself with it while hyurin just...stares blankly. She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment after leaving them four years ago with no news. she gripped the hem of her jeans, gripping it so hard that she could feel her nails digging onto her skin.

After few sips of drinking and beads of sweats start to appear at their forehead, hongjoong speak up while stares back and forth to nara and byungchan, "can you both...give us privacy?"

Both nara and byungchan looks at them before nodding slowly, "sure. We'll be outside" nara simply said and stood up and goes out. Byungchan looks at hyurin. His eyes were hesitant to leave but hyurin pats his hand, smiling to him as she mouths "it's going to be fine". He lets out an ease sigh before leaving them both.

When the door made a click sound, telling them that the duo has completely leaving them alone. The atmosphere between them was thick. Debating themselves who will speak out first. Hyurin believes that she can and will tell him after practicing her speech in front of the mirror yesterday but with the current situation, she felt the words stuck in her throat.


"I-" both of them said simultaneously and finally, they locked eyes with each other.

Hongjoong gestures her to speak first and she nodded, feeling her palms sweaty as she rubs it rapidly. "I know you have lots of questions and I'll answer them after I explain all of it." she said and hongjoong nods.

"I left because I can't bear to see you protecting me. defending me for my wrongdoings. I don't like it joong. Seeing you defending my own fault feels like I'm a coward." she lets out an airy laugh as hongjoong stays silent. He rethinks all the days where he always defends her but he sure never regrets about it.

She continues, "I know as a friend, you had to backup but sometimes, you don't have to. Especially if its wrong."

"but that wasn't the reason why you left, right?..." hongjoong speaks up and what he said made her breath hitched. She nods.

She continues, "I went to seek therapy. Staying here could make me lose my mind any seconds, so I went to Seoul, to get help and find myself. I have and must be strong for myself and face my demons. I did.." she chuckled as hongjoong continue to stare and listen.

"I did get through it. four years. these four years, every day, I pray that all of you will forget about me when I flee. I pray every single day that all of you will see me as a stranger. But..."

She pauses for a moment.

"but?" hongjoong echoed.

"but I didn't pray for myself. I didn't pray that I will forget about you, about him"

Hongjoong was taken aback. He was surprised to see his best friend like this. He knew she wasn't strong for all of this but when she said that and for the first time, he smiled at her. "you're so strong, hyu" he said and she looks at him with a confused look.

"for all these years we've been friends, this is the first time I saw you fighting your own demons, without my help. I'm so proud of you" he said as a single tear flows through his cheek. Hyurin didn't waste any time and engulfs him in a tight hug which he accepts it right away.

The duo who was at outside, stares in awe when they hugged. However, an accident occurs when byungchan tripped over nothing causing him to fall forward with nara and the door sway opened and both of them fall on top of each other.

Byungchan immediately removes himself knowing nara is PRACTICALLY someone's fiancée. Hongjoong and hyurin lets go of the hug and watch the fallen duo with confusion.

"we um- we didn't mean to e-eavesdrop but- its- not-ugh, what am I even saying- I'm sorry" byungchan admits and apologizes right after. Hyurin chuckled at his stutter and looks at nara who also seems guilty. "it's fine, we were done anyways" hongjoong speaks up.

"oh!" hyurin exclaimed and all eyes land on her. "we have a lot of things to catch up!" she said with a cheerful tone to hongjoong. He chuckled before locking her in a headlock and ruffles her hair, "of course, you idiot. Four years is too long"


holy shit, thanks for 3k what the fork omggg I DONT DESERVE THISSSSS WTFFFF

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