No ones POV

Pete is sat in his room reading up on the lecture he's preparing for his students at the Hospital when his phone went off.  He looked at it to see it was a text from Matt.  He opened it and his eyes widened in shock when he read it.  'He's done what!?'  He asked himself.  Pete couldn't help but smile a bit, but he knows deep down this was wrong of his cousin, but also selfishly Pete couldn't help but think how well this could go for him.  'This might work.'  He thinks to himself.

Meanwhile  on the other side of town (y/n) was heading down to the bar of her hotel to meet Jen.  She gets there and glances around, 'guess she's not down yet,' (y/n) thinks and orders a drink.  Jen finally arrives, the two girls greet each other and Jen orders a drink.  'So gurl, what was all that about in the gym earlier?  I think I saw them wheel that poor punchbag out on a stretcher, ha ha!'  I blush a little 'Oh? I didn't realise I was going THAT hard.'  'Guuuurrrl, you were beating the stuffing outta that thing!'  'Heh, weeelllllll........'  I say putting  my hand behind my head, I really didn't wanna go into it all right now, I wanted to forget it.  'I, errr, I just needed to let off some steam.  It's been a full on week.'  Jen nods in understanding.  'Yeah, life is pretty hectic nowadays.  And these damn aliens who keep coming down running a mock in the city doesn't help matters.'  I feel myself tense up.  I look down to my drink, 'No, they certainly aren't making life easy, are they.'  I give myself a little smile because I know there are people out there fighting against the Kraang.  I know there is some hope.  Then my phone begins to ring, pulling my thoughts my to the now.  I pull it from the pocket of my jeans to see the called ID is April.  I sigh.  What a conundrum I think to myself.  I don't wanna loose April as a friend, but she's too close to the turtles.  It's all too soon.  The phone kept on ringing.  'Ya gonna get that?'  Jen asked.  I look up at her, 'I, I don't know what to do'  Jen looked at me, then down to my phone, she took the phone out of my hand and answered.  'Hi y'all, (y/n) can't take this call right now, she'll call y'all back in a minute.'  She said simply and hung up without waiting for a reply.  She handed the phone back to me, she ordered us two more drinks and looked back at me, 'C'mon gurl, whats up?'  I sigh feeling defeated.  'Ok' I say.'  And I begin to tell her what has happened.  Not all of it, I left out certain details, like the Kraang and the fact Donnie is a giant humanoid mutant turtle.  

Aprils POV

I looked at my phone confused.  'Who the hell was that?'  I ask myself out loud.  'Who was who?'  Mikey asked.  'Did (y/n) answer?'  Raph asked.  I sigh.  'No she didn't some other lady did, said (y/n) couldn't take the call, but she would call me back in a bit?' The three brothers looked at each other then back at me.  'Well, that's kinda good.'  Leo said  We all looked at the leader with a questioning look.  'Think about it guys, she said (y/n) would call back, that means she's not completely not talking to us.'  Mikey's face lit up.  'Oh yeah!  That IS good!'  Mikey said happily.  'See lil brother, I told ya she jus needed some space'  Raph said with a smirk  Mikey smiled at his red clad brother.  'Yeah, your right Raphie, we will see her again'  

No ones POV

After (y/n) had given Jen a brief idea of why she was avoiding talking to her friend and what had happened between her and Donnie Along with the whole Pete thing as well.  'Geeeez Gurl, you really have gone through it'  She says.  'And your certain this Donnie was really cheatin', because from what you've told me he was really into you.'  (Y/n) looks up at Jen.  'Why else would he have another girl attached to his face?'  she asks feeling a few bubbles of hurt and anger.  'I wish I had the answer for you babe, but I don't think it's a good idea to block out your other friends.'  (Y/n) looked into her drink, almost as if she was looking  for the answer in the deep red liquid.  'I don't want to'.  She says without lifting her gaze away from her drink.  'I'm so far away from home, and they are all I have.  But right now I just, I can't.'  I sigh deeply.  I miss them.  I know Jen is right, but i'm not sure I can bare seeing them again so soon.  

When the past catches up Donnie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now