pt. 27

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Tay (pov)

I was walking towards new's office with a broad smile on my face and a chocolate cake in hand

Because guess who's my friend now

That's right newwie even though I would love for us to be more than friends

I'm pretty happy with where we are right now afterall every good and strong relationship starts with a good friendship

I was about to reach his office when I saw him leaving

"Ooi new wait where are you going ?!" I said rushing my steps to reach him

"Aau sawadikap p'tay" he said instead of answering my question and bowed down a bit

"Ooi new don't call me p'tay na it doesn't seem right" I whined making him laugh

"Ahaha what do you want me to call you instead ?" He asked

Honey... baby .. sugar

Anything cheesy would work

"Just call me Tay ... New just skip the honorifics" I replied with a smile

"Hm okay then Tay "

"Better " I replied with a broad smile

"Ah you didn't answer me where are you going ?" I added

"Oh something's wrong with the lighting at one of the shoots so I'm going to go check them out .. so walk with me ?" He said and i nodded

"Oh here I bought this for you " I said remembering the cake

I pushed the plastic bag infront of him his face lit up a bit giving me a smile but that didn't last very long since the smile was soon turned into a little frown

"I it's alright I don't want it " he said giving me a small smile

"What happen new ?" I said making him stop his steps for a bit he Just shook his head no

"New did someone say something ? " I asked again and he again shook his head no but this time he was looking down

I grabbed his hand pulling him into an empty makeup room keeping everything on the desk

Using one of my hands to pull his face up to look at me

He looked like he was about to cry

"New what happened please talk to me" I cried making him look up at me

"I.. I shouldn't be having so much of cake ..." He said in a whisper

"Why ?"

"Because I'm getting fat " he mumbled but I was able to make out what he wanted to say my eyes widened listening to his words

"Who said that ?!" I asked almost angrily making him look down a bit startled

"Why are you shouting at me !?" he shouted back I let out a huff

"New I wasn't shouting at you I'm sorry hey look at me .. please tell me who said that ?"

"I..I overheard someone I don't know who " he replied and I nodded

"But it's tr~"

"Don't even finish that sentence new .. " I said cutting him off

I held onto his shoulders turning him around facing him towards the mirror

"New listen to me you're perfect atleast for me you are but that doesn't matter " I said making him look at me confused

"It doesn't matter because what matters is you it's important that you love yourself that you find yourself as perfect as I find you " I added making him turn around to face me

"Look there's going to be a lot of people calling you things some not so good things but just know that it's not their body not their life it's yours and it's on you what you want to do with it just as long as you're healthy and happy"

"Plus if it's worth anything I think you're really fit like I would love for you to be my trainer I need some help with my chest and back" I added a bit in a joking tone trying to lighten the mood

He let out a little chuckle before wiping away a few tears that escaped

"Thank you Tay" he said in a whisper

"Aau I don't take thank you's I'd like a meal please" I joked making him lightly punch my arm laughing

I checked my watch to see the time

"Ah now here take the cake and go work I'll see you later I've got a meeting to attend with peng" I said remembering that I've got a meeting with off

"Peng ?"

"Oh oops I meant Off " I replied

"Off as in the CEO ?" He asked a bit shocked

"Yes why are you asking me like that ?"

"So wait you're buddy buddy with the CEO ? That's why you and the other guy were with him the day he introduced himself"

"Oo you noticed me "

"So that means gun's old boss is also your friend ?"

"Arm ? Yeah why ?"

"Tay tell me honestly why did Off ask Gun to be his assistant ? "

"I uh I don't know.. why what happened new ? "  I asked and he just smiled

"No nothing you're getting late right you should go i need to head out too" he said and walked out



As a person who constantly goes through body image issues and Is fighting to become more body positive I truly stand by my words don't let anyone else rule the way you live your life be it in the way you look or the way you dress or the way you are .

It's your life to live , as long as you're happy and healthy and safe nothing else matters .


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