pt. 6

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Gun (pov)

How is it Monday already ?!

It feels like yesterday when I went to party with my friends .

Friday night we went to go party because my HOD got fired and there was a new HOD coming in .

It's not that I hated my previous boss but ..well I hated her at the same time I mean she never acknowledged any of my designs and not only that she once stole my idea and presented it as her own

Anyways now because of the new company taking over she got her ass fired

Ah and the whole stranger off messaging me it felt surreal Because something about him wants me to get to know him more .. maybe it the face

I mean look at the man hubba hubba

Anyhow my friends concern is also correct because I don't know him at all and this new found attraction is purely based on his looks and that not the best way to go I would say

Anyways finally reaching the office greeting everyone on the way to my floor crossing my fingers hoping to get a good boss

I walked in with everyone doing their own work a few new faces

I walked into to office bringing my best smile

I walked in to see a fairly young looking guy great hair an amazing sense of fashion fit I might add he's not the tallest but is definitely taller than me

"Sawadikap phi my name is Gun Atthaphan I'm one of the head designer" I introduce

"Sawadikap nong gun.. I've seen you somewhere have we met before ?" He asked and i tried to remember

"I don't think so phi" I replied smiling

"Ah maybe not anyways my name is Arm "

"It'll be a pleasure working with you phi arm I hope I can reach your demands " I said in a sincere tone

"Ahaha the pleasure is all mine nong I've heard good things about you from your past hod please I've gone through your portfolio must say I'm quite impressed" he replied making me blush a bit at the compliment I just nodded

I asked permission to leave before getting back to work

He doesn't seem as uptight at the last boss



OFF (pov)

OFF (pov)

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He works at the company huh ?

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He works at the company huh ? ..

Maybe working in the new company isn't the worst idea..

Get yourself together off the guy ignored you over the weekend what makes you think he'll not ignore you in the company..

Well it's worth a shot if it mean I'll get to know him better..

Argh what are you nong gun making me want to work


I'm having too much fun with the fake chat thing


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