The lovely farmhouse

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We entered the house, and it was very beautiful, Shalini shouted:

"Ramu kaka, are you there?"

Ramu Kaka was the person who was taking care of the house since a long time. The whole day he used to clean and take care of the house, and in the evening, he used to go back to his own home in the village which was situated nearby.

Shalini's uncle asked Ramu kaka to cook and take care of us during our stay.

Ruchi was very excited and the moment we entered the house she started her photography, and was continuously taking several photographs.

Kavya and Shalini helped Ramu kaka to bring our items of luggage to the room.

I was looking and trying to explore the house. It was an old house,might be made during the British era, the substantial house with red and white-colored walls, a chimney was there with fire, some good old abstract paintings were hanging on the wall, the ground floor had the living room, kitchen and the dining space, our rooms were on the first floor.

We entered our respective rooms, me and Shalini were sharing one room, and Ruchi and Kavya took the other one.

I was happy to find a place like that, it was quite and clam, I was very relaxed, but I felt it was too much isolated from the other areas or was it just my feeling.

The room was spacious with a double bed, and an almirah was placed just aside the bed.

Oh, I am feeling so relaxed here," Shalini said.

"Yes, it's so calm here," I said while placing my luggage and sitting on the bed.

I opened the window, which was just beneath the bed, and it was so beautiful outside with greenery.

I saw a flower garden full of different varieties of flowers, beyond the garden I saw a lake just a mile away surrounded by trees, it was terrific.

"Hey Shalini, see how beautiful that place is; we will go there and do our bonfire there, okay." I said.

"Sure, dear," she agreed with me.

Ramu kaka served us the dinner, and it was indeed sumptuous food.

I was ravenous after the long drive, but my excitement to explore the new place made all my tiredness gone.

Ruchi was so excited, the whole time she was busy with her camera.

"I don't know why this girl came with us; she is only busy with her photography," Kavya growled.

I laughed and said: "Let her enjoy in her own way."

We finished our dinner and sat on the couch in the living room and started talking about several things that we faced in our respective lives all these years.

We got to know how Ruchi got a divorce as she was unable to manage both her work life and personal life.

Kavya's in-laws always taunt her about having children, Shalini, on the other hand, always get scolded by her guide and struggling to finish her Ph.D., her parents pressurize her to get married.

Still, she does not want to do so before completing her Ph.D.

I told them about my break up with Gaurav, my college love whom I caught having an affair with his boss.

Gaurav and I were like love birds in our college days; we were together all the time.

Many times, I used to ignore my friends to stay with Gaurav, for which I regret sometimes.

I never imagined he would betray me like this one day.

I was so stressed in my personal life, so I wanted to spend some quality stress less time with my sweet old friends.

All of us were struggling both personally and professionally, so we needed this vacation badly.

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