Chapter 12

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Dream's P.O.V

I just ended up reading a book I found in Ink's room. That's when I heard the doorknob turn. Inside came Ink. He smiled at me.

 "Hello Dream! How was your day?" He asked me.

 "It was good." I said, trying to smile.

 "I decided that tomorrow you can go out with me for awhile! But there are a few rules for going out. You cannot go anywhere without me. You cannot talk to anyone unless I give you permission. And you can't tell anyone what I did. If someone asks what happened, I will answer them." Ink said in a intimidating voice.

I nodded. So it looks like Ink will control everything. Well, at least I get to go outside.

The Next Morning

Dream's P.O.V

 "Dream! It's time get up!" I was blinded by the sunlight shining through the window. I got up and went to get dressed. Ink stopped me though.

 "I'll decide what you wear." He said in a very strict tone. He went into the bathroom to pick something out.

A few moments later he came out and signaled many for me to go get ready. He picked out a white shirt with a light blue jacket and some black jean , along with tall brown boots. (Someone please draw this)

I got dressed and went downstairs to meet him in the kitchen. After we ate he opened a portal and we left.

This will be my first time going out in awhile.


Someone please send me a drawing of Dream in that outfit. I would make it but I have no artistic talent. You don't have to though!

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