Chapter 11

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Killer's P.O.V

I watched Dream mess with these cuffs for awhile. "Ugh, I'll never be able to get these off." He sounded like he was about to cry. What do they do anyway? I say there, hoping some of my questions would be answered.

 He just flopped on the bed and sighed. "I'll never be able to get these off." He said as tears began to roll down his cheeks. Dream is crying over these, whatever they do, it's bad. Really bad. 

I should probably leave now. I don't want to get caught. I teleported out of the room and into the bathroom. I decided I would just look around a bit before I left, maybe I could get some information.

I was about ready to give up and leave. The bathroom has seemed pretty normal. I decided I would just check the last cabinets and leave. 

I looked in the first one, there was nothing special. I opened the second one, it seemed pretty normal. That's when I noticed something underneath some towels. It was a piece of paper.

It explained the cuffs that were on Dream's wrist! It says that they will prevent a monster from using their magic, and it they leave a certain area they will be shocked. You can change and adjust the settings as well. But you need a special tool for that. And to take them off you need a certain key.

That's why Dream was so desperate to get them off. He can't leave or use his magic with them. I will definitely need to tell boss about all of this. I put the paper back, and went to tell Nightmare everything.

Nightmare's P.O.V

 "Boss! You need hear this!" I heard Killer shout as he ran through a portal. I turned to him, signaling that he had my attention.

 "Dream isn't hurt but Ink locked him in a room and put these cuffs on him that prevent him from using his magic of leaving, otherwise he will get shocked."

 That damn squid. He is so dead. "And he also is wearing clothing that I would consider inappropriate for him." Killer added. So Ink locks him in a room, makes him wear clothing he's not comfortable in, and prevents him from even using his magic. That sick bastard.

 "Thank you for telling me Killer, you are dismissed." He nodded and left. Now, I need to figure out what to do next.


I am such a procrastinator. I didn't write this until 11 pm. But I finished it before tomorrow!

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