Chapter 9: He Left

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Ink's P.O.V

I was so happy when I was Dream, yes, happy. I've never felt real emotions before, the only time I've felt them is when I'm with Dream. I need him, he's the only thing that can make me feel real emotions. I want him all to myself, I never will let anybody to take him from me.I

I had to kill Blue and Cross. It was obvious they both had crushes on him. I noticed whenever Blue would get strangely happy whenever Dream would compliment him. And I always caught him staring at him, blushing. Cross would do the same thing. They had to die, they tried to take Dream from me.

I was almost able to kill Error that day, I had to. He took Dream away from me. But, Dream is here now. And that's all that matters.

The Morning After Dream Left

At Nightmare's Castle

Nightmare's P.O.V

I woke up and turned to check the time. It was 7 in the morning. I decided to get up and get ready for the day.

After getting dressed I went to go wake Dream up. I went to the room he had been sleeping in and slowly opened the door. I peeked inside only to see no one.

 "Dream, are you in here?" I asked as I walked further into the room. I was starting to get worried, where is he? I noticed a folded piece of paper on his bed. I picked it up and unfolded it.

'Dear Bad Sanses,

I wanted to thank you for all the great memories you gave me, I will miss all of you. I'm sorry for leaving, but I'm afraid that if I don't Ink will kill you all. And that is the last thing I want. By the time you've read this, I'm probably with Ink. Please don't get involved, I don't want to lose you guys to. I guess this is goodbye.



I just stood there, holding that little piece of paper, crying. I just at least want too know that Dream isn't hurt. I soon heard the sound of the gang getting up. How am I going to explain this?

I decided that I would just tell them all at breakfast. I wiped the tears from my eyes and headed out of Dream's and went downstairs. I just sat on the couch, trying to think of something I can do.

"Hey boss, what's with the sour face? And where is Dream?" Dust asked, confused.

"I'll tell you at breakfast." I said, turning away. He holds just nodded and left.

At Breakfast

Nightmare's P.O.V

We all sat down at the table and I prepared to tell them.

 "When I went into Dream's room this morning, I couldn't find him. But I did find this note." I saw the others eyes widened. As I read the letter I saw all of their face expressions turned from confused to worried really quick.

"W3ll, ¡s he @liVe?" Error asked.

"Yes, he is. But I don't know where he is or what's happening to him right now." I told them.

"Well, what are we going to do?" Dust asked.

"Can we kill Ink?" Horror asked, eagerly.

"Ink is the creator of the aus, I don't know what would happen if he died. We will only kill him if we had to." I ordered.

 "I will tell you all when I come up with a idea of what we should do." I said. Everyone then nodded and left the table.


I almost forgot about this. But this probably one of my longest chapters ever! I'll try to update two books again tomorrow.

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