She giggles slightly as I drift off.

I feel her fingers trace my hand, tickling up and down my arm. I smile at the gesture, burying my heading into her neck.

"Goodnight Dee." I whisper.


* * *

I woke up, startled.

I move my arm around the bed, feeling no body. Panic begins to settle in my stomach as I look around frantically for Dakota.

"Dee?" I call out. Seeing the rumble of grey skies.

Opening the motel door, I see small droplets of rain begin to paint the ground.

"Dakota?" I call out, my own voice being drowned out by the rain.

I couldn't hear anything. Covering my ears with my hands, I ran out to the road.

"Riley?" I heard my name faintly. Spinning around, I saw Dee waving at me. Relief washed over me as I ran to her.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, eyes scanning her body.

"T-the radio..." She panted.

"What do you mean?"

"The radio.. i-it's working. We need too-"Her body fell limp in my hands.

"Where are you hurt?" She shook her head, pointing to the radio satellite on top of a building.

"Dakota... where are you hurt." Once again ignoring my question, I glare at her. The rain is making me shiver, causing me to cough.

"Okay, let's go!" I hoist her up, noticing the root of her problem is in her ankle.

"Stay here." Before I could leave, she took my arm, yanking me back, "I'm coming with you."

I smirked, "You can barely walk."

She glared back at me, "I'm coming with you. End of story."

As we hobbled towards the buildings that had vines growing from the sides and overgrown grass, I stepped through what felt like pieces of metal.

"You know what to do." I said to her. She nodded.

When we were first taught how to hot wire cars, we were also taught how to hot wire the radio. So that if we were ever in the position where we were stuck, and had to call for help, we knew how!

So that's what Dakota is doing. She going to hot wire a car so I can use the radio satellite to signal to my family!

I climbed the rocky building, getting scrapes and cuts in places that I'll worry about later!

"YOU GOT IT?" I call out, seeing her nod from a distance.

Once I was on the top of the building, I turned the satellite.

"Be careful!" Dee called. I smiled.

With the rain and the grey skies, there's ought to be lightning and thunder!

I better not get electrocuted!

I pulled apart the wires, connecting the red one to the yellow one and then the black one to the green one.

The rain was coming down harder than it was before, my vision was blurry and I swear I had pricked myself more than I could count.

I felt a presence behind me and quickly turned, seeing Dakota bending down to help.

"We have to be quick, this wind will blow out the connection if we're not safe."

She connected the other two wires while I patched up the split knots, shaking my hand as a bolt of electricity shot through me.

"Be careful. Your brother would kill me if I brought you home and you were burnt like a steak." She smirked.

Huddling closer to keep body warmth, I saw the ariel of the car shoot up. "There." I point.

We climb down, careful not to slip on the wet concrete.

"Hello?" Dakotas voice was scared. I felt useless standing behind her. The only thing I'm protecting her from is the wind.

The window is smashed and the door was unlocked. Kneeling in glass, I turn the knobs as Dee tries her hardest to get into contact.

"If you can hear me... we need someone to come get us. We're stuck with no way of transport. Please."

As the rain begins to clear up, I pay my hair down and sigh, feeling defeated.

"What the hell are we going to do?" I asked.

Dakota sniffs, and I notice a tear.

"Come on, we should probably find some food before we perish." She smiles, hooking her arm around my shoulder.

"You're too short to reach my shoulder." She punched my side and I bent over, "Now I'm not too short."

Touché Dee, touché.

* * *


sorry i've been so inactive!

i've had school + work and everything else! i promise to upload so much more though.

stay tuned, it only goes downhill from here ;)

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