chapter 2

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Yeri's POV:

After my brother and his friends go I continued eating my food.

"Yeri-ssi you shouldn't be close to them because they're bullies." Hyuna said.

"But they all seems nice?" I asked back? They are bullies? How come? They look so nice.

"They might look nice but they're actually bullies." She said.

"Do they hurt students?" I asked.

"No, they just tease and pull pranks on the students." I nodded and continued eating.

Taehyung's POV

Yoongi hyung's sister looks ugly. I want to bully her but Yoongi hyung might get mad at me if he knew that I'm bullying his sister.

Maybe I should ask him if I can bully her sister. Yeah! I should ask him.

"Yoongi hyung." I said and he looked at me and raised his other eyebrow.

"Will you get mad at me if I bully your sister?" I asked.

"Umm, it depends. As long as you wouldn't hurt her." He answered

"Alright" I said happily.

"But in the first place, why do you want to bully my sister? Do you like her?" Yoongi hyung asked. If I'm eating right now I already choked my food.

"No, Its just your sister's face irritates me and she's ugly." I said.

"Yah! Don't be too harsh she's still my sister." He scolded.

Me- "Sorry Hyung, I'm just saying the truth." I grinned and walked to my next class. Which is...

Did I just forgot what's my next class?

Oh yeah! My next class is Math.

Yeri's POV

I'm a bit sad because Hyuna and I are in different classes. I'm now walking then suddenly I bumped to someone. My books fell and the person who bumped into me didn't even bother to say sorry.

How rude...

"Next time, watch where your going b*tch." The girl that has like 4 layers of make up on her face said and her friends or should I say pets laughed.

I just ignored them and continued walking. When I arrived at my next class I immediately sat on the seat at the back and when I was about to sit someone already went to sit there.

How great...

"Next time be fast nerd okay?" The guy said. I'm not a nerd okay? I'm just wearing glasses but that doesn't mean that I'm a nerd. Plus I only study if I have an exam or recitation.

"Jerk." I mumbled quietly so he can't hear me.

sorry again for a very short chapter ✌🏻

i'll try to post chapter 3 later ;)

thank you for reading! 💖

- author


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