Chapter Fourteen- Our Little Secret

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Draco looks at Harry, he was willing to take a chance "You promise?" he asked, he didn't plan on doing it until Harry promised him that they would keep it a secret, Harry nods his head and smirks "Our little secret" Harry said, Draco clears his throat and looks to the side he was blushing slightly.

"Uh, could you let me go?" Draco asked not really wanting Harry to let go he did have an image to keep after all "And why would I do that?" Harry asked nipping Draco's ear this caused Draco to whimper a bit, his ears are one of the sensitive spots on his body. He was lost for words not completely sure how to answer Harry "" He stuttered a bit not being able to form a sentence.

Harry smirks and kisses Draco, this caught Draco by surprise "Mmph" was the only sound to come from his lips before he kissed back wrapping his arms around Harry's neck as Harry wraps his arms around Draco's small waist pulling him close, it started raining and Harry pulls away hearing a shock of lightning "It's not safe here, let's go" Harry says grabbing Draco's hand and walking down the stairs of the astronomy tower.

Once they made it to the bottom of the stairs Harry let go of Draco's hand quickly, he could see some students who started walking to their class "Draco, class is starting we need to go" he whispered into Draco's ear.

Draco blushed and nods his head "Right" He says walking to his class with Harry following behind him, looking around at the walls of portraits, as the days went on Draco and Harry grew closer and closer together to the whole school, it seemed that they decided to stop being enemies and try and be friends, fools they were and they didn't even notice how naive they were.

Things in the school where changing slightly after Draco and Harry decided to be in a relationship, but to all was friendship, houses that were enemies are changing and being friends. "Draco it seems that we are changing things" Harry says smiling as they sit outside in the courtyard with Stream next to them "Stream's job is done, Stream will need to go" Stream said looking at the two boys.

Things were about to change and not just with Harry and Draco, but with everyone that resides in that school.

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