Chapter Eleven- The First (Mistake) Move

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Stream looked to the floor and narrowed her eyes jumping to the floor. "Stream! Where are you going?"

"To find snake!" Stream hissed, determination in her voice. "Something not add up!" She sniffed the air and followed the scent trail, Harry inevitably following her, so neither her nor him, get in trouble. Several students watched confused as Harry followed Stream, who only appeared as a cat to them with how small she was.

"Stream just let it go... he wants nothing to do with me. I think I blew it" Harry said. Still, though Stream did not stop or slow. She seemed determined to see this through to the end. "Stream. I know your kind mates for life but... not all humans do" Harry said trying to get Stream to let the whole thing go but... she just wasn't having it and it confused Harry to no end.

Meanwhile, Draco was face down on his bed pulling at the ends of his pillows. "Dammit... I messed up" He groaned. "I should never have gotten into that notebook... maybe then I wouldn't be so confused about these feelings. Maybe then I wouldn't like it when he treated me like he had me on a lead, maybe then I wouldn't... like those stories." he groaned and rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. "...this is it, isn't it? He finally did it. He finally won, he finally has the upper hand. I can't believe I let this happen" He sat up quickly, hearing something fall. He turned and gave a loud scream. A strange creature was on his dresser and seemed to be staring dead at him. Where had it come from!?

"Snake! Snake calm. Stream. Stream leader of Pond Dragoneks. Stream here to help mate." The creature had said. "Stream sure snake confused. Lightning no?"

"...What the hell are you doing here and why can you talk?" Draco snapped as he tried to back away when 'Stream' came closer. "Who even are snake and lightning?!"

"...Umm... Sea kelp! What lightning human name?" The creature turned it's tiny head to the corner of the room. Draco narrowed his eyes and approached the area. Draco studied it before feeling a soft material under his fingers. He snarled and pulled the cloak harshly.

"Potter! What in Merlin's name are you doing here?!" Draco hissed at him as he dropped the cloak. Harry sighed and glared right back.

"Draco I know everything you did is to try and make my life a living hell. It's just because you feel so vulnerable isn't it" Harry didn't even ask, he stated it like fact. "At least that's what all your stories said. Each story never posted involved you feeling vulnerable and lost without someone to tell you what to do." Draco backed away hearing those words actually said aloud. Potter was being ridiculous. He didn't want nor did he need someone ordering him around... but why did he like it, if that is the case?

"Potter I don't want you to boss me around, nor would I want ANYONE to. I am an independent man and I will not be treated like a dog" Harry raised a brow and took a deep breath which confused Draco, but the next words had him horrified and... thrilled?

"Are you sure about that?" Harry grabbed the blonde by his wrist and pulled him close. He gripped his chin and tilted it so he looked him directly in the eye. "Are you sure you don't want me to boss you around?" He narrowed his eyes and leaned in close. "Cause your body says otherwise" Draco suddenly felt soft yet slightly chapped lips press against his own cold ones in comparison, the boy was frozen in shock, not sure how to react or what to say. What was this? This feeling deep in his gut? This strange desire to get closer? Just as soon as it happened it was over though and Harry was quickly leaving.

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