"Well technically yes. But I was sad." She said, and she was stepping away from me the closer I got to her.

"So basically you're saying this is all your fault?"

"Blake, I'm sorry!" She cried the closer I got to her.

"You are sorry. You're a sorry piece of shit. I cheated on you out of necessity. You did it because you wanted him. Did you even know when I was fucking Alexis I was picturing you?! Why else do you think I called her kitten? But you want to go do something as dumb as this and fuck up something good?" My voice didn't even sound like my own now, it felt sinister and dark.

I was so close to her now, centimeters apart. She was still, the shaking seemed to stop like she was anticipating and bracing herself for whatever was coming. I was so angry, it felt like I was a different human. I balled my hand into a fist and smashed it against that perfect jawline that I loved so much. She went flying to the ground, and she was screaming. It sounded so scary...

It's like I was watching myself do these terrible things to her. I kicked her in the stomach, kicking over and over again so she could feel something similar to the pain that I felt. An almost animalistic groan came from her, the more I kicked the same spot over and over.

"Blake..." she said weakly, but her voice didn't sound familiar to me. It sounded like a stranger.

I grabbed a handful of her hair, then yanked her off the ground. With my free hand, I punched her face repeatedly as she tried her hardest to escape from the tight grip I had on her hair. I punched her eyes, that I used to love to look into. I didn't want to look into them anymore—I wanted her blinded so she couldn't be distracted by anything else ever again.

I made sure to land a good few punches on those lips that I loved kissing, to make sure she wouldn't ever want to kiss someone other then me again.

Once I released her hair, she fell to the ground once more. She looked practically limp laying there, she wasn't fighting anymore or trying to get away, she was just laying there...still.

I grabbed a handful of her hair, but I didn't pick her up, I just dragged her across the wooden floor.

"Blake—where are you taking me?" She cried.

"To the kitchen kitten."

Once we were there, I released her again, letting her head bang against the cold tile. I could see a little pool of blood forming around the spot that she hit her nose, but I didn't care. I liked seeing the damage that I did. It's what she deserved. When you're bad, you get a bad punishment—it's the rule of the universe.

I grabbed the biggest kitchen knife I could find, then went back to her. She was trying her hardest to crawl away, but she looked like a snail with how slow she was moving.

I couldn't help but laugh at her. "Angel, you never cease to amuse me. Where do you think you're going?"

"Please stop!" She cried. "If you love me you'll stop! I've learned my lesson."

"No you haven't. And also, I don't love you. You want to know something? I'm just now realizing that I never actually loved you... It was easy keeping you around, because you filled a void inside of me that I didn't know that I had." The words didn't feel real to me as I said them, yet I said them anyway.

"I actually don't care about you. It was fun to me sleeping with Alexis, I wished you were home so you could hear us. Why do you think we came back here instead of going to her place? I get a kick out of making you miserable. I find it amusing every time I hit you, that you just cower in a corner and cry. You're such a fucking coward!" I kicked her stomach again for good measure, and this time she started coughing viciously. A big thick stream of blood came flying out of her mouth then.

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