Chapter 2: Chaos at the Grocery store

Start from the beginning

"I could've been bridesmaid." She frowned, and I laughed harder. After a minute of gasping for air like a manatee, I turn to Vicky with a serious face. "Flavor of ice cream?"

"Mocha, chocolate or cookies and cream." She chirped, and the sound of her first flavor made me cringe. I obviously hate mocha. She realizes the shivers and laughs. "Two gallons of chocolate and one for cookies and cream." She suggested, and I sighed. "Thank god."

"Stop stepping on my foot, Poseidon!" a whisper yelled, and I didn't even know it was possible. Also, am I imagining things or did that sounded like Athena? "I'm not stepping on your foot!" a whisper yelled back, and this time it sounded a hell like Poseidon.

"You are!"

"I'm not!"

"Quiet down, you bickering idiots! You're blowing our damn cover up!" Okay, I'm sure that's Ares.

I look at Vicky and her red face confirms my thought that she can hear them too. Glad I'm not hearing voices. "Guys, you can come out now." I loudly said, smirking. "We can definitely hear you from here." They came out one by one. I counted them and realized that Hermes is missing. "Hermes stayed to guard the house." Hera chirped, and I nodded at her.

"Okay, we'll just go and pay for these and we can go back home." I said, and Vicky looks at me incredulously. "But we haven't bought our Nutella supply!" she whispered, and I intentionally step on her foot­­­. And that ladies and gentlemen is how to silence your overly noisy best friend.

While we were walking towards the cashier counters, one of our school jocks bumps into Ares. This made him angry, but it was pretty obvious that he was just keeping it in so he won't make a scene. The jock, however, wasn't so friendly. "Hey! Aren't you going to say sorry?"

"Why should I? You're the one who's not looking." Ares shrugged, and the jock looks over to his friends. Ares walks away, but the guy grabs him by the arm and pulls him back. "Tell you're sorry --" Ares punches the guy and he gets attacked by the jock's friends. It was four against one, but of course, they were no match for the god of war. Seeing how unfair the fight is, Poseidon joins in the rumble.

"Holy shit." Vicky mumbled before she pulled me towards Zeus and the others, who were avoiding the fight but were obviously amused at what's happening. "Aren't you going to stop them?" I asked Zeus. He smiles at me and shrugs. "Nah, it's been awhile since we saw Poseidon literally kick some ass."

A group of guys walked by and stops in front of Aphrodite. "Dude, look at that blonde." A guy whispered to his friend. Aphrodite heard this and, not knowing any better, smiled at them. Did she just realized that she made these group of perverts actually go and ask her out?

Did she just realized that she made these maniacs go for her?

"Hi." The guy grinned at her, showing how gap-toothed this bastard is. "What's your name, gorgeous?"

"Aphrodite." she answers. The guy winks at her. "Want to go on a one night stand?" Okay? That is erotically inappropriate to say in public. And it's disgusting. Aphrodite was about to ask what exactly that is when the guy's friend swoops in and shoves the other guy away. "No way, she's mine!"

"I saw her first. Go find yours, Alfred!" The guy snapped, pushing his friend back. "No, you fuck off!" The Alfred dude said, pushing his friend, too. A jock from nowhere appears and grabs Aphrodite by the arm. "Sorry boys, but she's mine."

"I'm sorry, you whiny son of a bitch, but she'll be kneeling to me tonight." The other guy said, and this caught Vicky's attention.

"Hey!" Vicky yelled at the guy, slapping his hand away from Aphrodite. Oh no. Vicky's the queen of arguments, and her being in one is chaos. "Strictly no touching." She crossed her arms and raises her eyebrow with authority. "And girls do not kneel before sexually frustrated guys who are too sexist to even be in the presence of this gorgeous woman behind me." she snapped once more.

"And who are you?" The jock asks her, and Vicky laughs at him like a lunatic. "Your worst nightmare."

Athena, Hera, Zeus and myself backs away from the two fights, one being Poseidon and Ares versus the jocks and the other being Vicky and Aphrodite against the perverts. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, Zeus spots a brunette with large breasts and honestly, a very pretty face. She wore a black tank top and a way-too-short-for-me denim skirt.

"She is smoking." Zeus whistles, and Hera scowls at him. "What?" she snapped, and Zeus looks worriedly at her. "You mean, she's prettier than me?"

"That's not what I meant --"

"You liar!" She pushes Zeus away while he tries to hug her. "You cheat! Go back to Hades, you cheat! Liar! Pervert!" And that's when me and Athena look at each other, and decide to watch their fight instead, since it's less brutal. "Oh come on, Hera. I love you." Zeus pleaded. Hera shakes her head. "NO! You don't love me! You are a loathsome, lying evil cheat --"

"CAN YOU PLEASE STOP SHOUTING?" Zeus yelled, and the light started to flicker. "I told you, I'm not fucking cheating on you!" And that's when all hell broke loose. The lights exploded, and complete silence blanketed the grocery store. I swear, I can even hear the little kids crying and demanding their moms to bring the sun back.

Black out because of Zeus' anger? Please explain, now.


Clarification: The gods learned to swear the second they landed on earth. Remember? Modern language influence? And that's modern xD


~Jamzkiee Horanzkiee

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