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A/N: Before we start I just wanted to say that Y/n lived with her mom. When her mom died she just stayed at the house so now she lives by herself, supported by mostly her job at the shop, but sometimes her dad would help her out. Anyway, continue! :)

"Hey guys!" Sofia said emerging from the back room carrying a crate of cabbage. You rushed to her side and held up the other half of the crate and walked it over to where I was supposed to be and placed it down, unloading it onto the cart.

"Hey Fia," Addi said with a smile. Sofia smiled and waved. Your dad looked at his watch and franticly grabbed his coat.

"Shit! Y/n your in charge. I'm late for practice."

"Have fun old man," Tendo said saluting. Ukai punched his arm on his way out.

About half an hour later someone walked in. The customer checked out and complimented the fancy wallet on the counter. You thanked her as she left the store. Wait what? Wallet? Dammit Dad. You internally cursed your father as you excused yourself from the store.

"My dumbass dad forgot his wallet."

"Okay have fun with your boyfriend," Tendo rolled his eyes as he spun around in the chair behind the counter.

"He's not my boyfriend you jealous prick," you said flicking him on the forehead. He whined and glared at you. "Fuck you and your weird enemies."

You walked out of the store and grabbed the bike next to the door. You rode towards the school not even bothering with the helmet. As you walked up to the volleyball gym, you parked the bike outside and slid open the noisy metal door.

"Dad?" you called inside. You heard a muffled 'ouch' as a ball hit someone in the head. You guessed you had surprised them because the entire gym went quiet.

"I swear to fucking god if one of you boys says anything you're all doing diving laps," your dad hissed. "Yes Kiddo?"

"Y/nnnnn!!" Tanaka yelled running over to you ignoring your dads yells of protest. "How've you been?"

"The usual," you said with a warm smile. "Imma be at my dads shop after your practice you should stop by."

"I will, Daichi owes us meat buns."

"TANAKA," your dad yelled. he flinched as he walked back to the court with his head down.

"Now, Y/n what do you need," his voice softening as he turned to you.

"You forgot your wallet, Dumbass," you said, playfully hitting him on the head with it before handing it to him. You felt the team tense up. You knew if you were anyone else your ass would've been beaten. Instead he rolled his eyes with a chuckle and stuffed his wallet into the bag.

"Alright, Kid. Anything else?" You shook your head. "Alright, then I'll see you after practice." You nodded with a smile.

Before you left you shot a franticly waving Tanaka a smile as you closed the door.

Ukai's Daughter-Ushijima x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now