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You reluctantly rolled over, eyes squeezed shut in frustration, and slammed a fist on your alarm clock.

"Its too fucking earlyyyyy," you groaned. Opening your eyes to nothing but slits, you pushed your legs over the side of the bed and stood up to go "de-crust". With a creak the door opened. You fully opened your tired eyes and gazed at your horrific expression. You rolled your eyes as you turned the shower water to the hottest setting, stripped, and walked in. The hot water practically boiled your skin but it felt good so you didn't move. You scrubbed shampoo into your scalp as 50% of it dripped down the rest of your body. You decided to shave since today was the first day of school and you had been neglecting bodily hygiene besides deodorant.

After your shower you put on lotion, makeup, and clothes. You let out a muffled groan when you looked at you neglected hair. You decided to just straighten it and call it a day. Before you walked out you grabbed your backpack, keys, and a burnt piece of toast.

On the drive to school you stopped by to pick up your Red-Headed friend.

"Hey Bubs morningggg," you smiled as you saw Tendo walk out of his house looking as exhausted as you were.

"Oh shut it. We both know were gonna stop for coffee so just drive," Tendo sarcastically groaned. You rolled your eyes as you backed out of the driveway. Tendo was spaced out looking out the window as he gasped. You perked up and looked at him with concern. "Stop the car!" You pulled onto the side of the road as Tendo leaped out of the passengers seat.

"Tendo what the hell?!" You called after him , putting the car in park and unbuckling your seatbelt. With an aggravated slam of the door you walked to find where he went. You saw him with his arm under a man who looked like he'd be at least twice Tendo's size with good posture. Your mouth gaped open in shock as you ran over to help. "Oh my god are you okay?!"

"I'm fine" The deep voice sent shivers down your spine as you ran back to the car and grabbed a first aid kit from your trunk, leaving it open. Tendo sat the burly man on the rim of the trunk and stepped back to look at his condition.

"Wakatoshi-kun you never get injured what the hell did you do?" Wakatoshi-kun? you knew that from somewhere... You took a first grip on the rim of the trunk as you bent down so you were level with his knee. He flinched as you grabbed the bottom of his black sweats and pulled them up to reveal his swollen ankle.

"Pfft, figures. Looking at it now, you'll be fine in maybe a week, but until then stay off it. What happened?" You looked up and met his strong gaze.

"I tripped on some stones. I said I'm fine, I can still walk." He got up to prove it but you saw right through him. As Tendo backed up to see if he actually could, you stood up and broke his fall with your semi-sturdy arms.

"How much of an idiot do you take me for?" you snapped. "I told you, you can't walk on this. Not sit your ass down, I'm making a call. Tendo, watch this dumbass." Everyone looked surprised at your boldness as you stormed off punching numbers into your phone.

"How the hell did she lift me?" Wakatoshi asked.

"Like I would know! Your 200 pounds of pure muscle, look at you!" Wakatoshi nodded and examined his ankle.

"I can't be out of volleyball for a week. I can't let a sprained ankle get in the way of my career," he stated as he tried to stand back up. He was suddenly pushed back down by two small but firm hands on his shoulders.

"Did I fucking stutter you dumbass," you said looking into Wakatoshi's eyes. He was startled by your firmness with him. You looked over to Tendo, "and you too fucktard! I told you to watch him." You lightly flicked him in the forehead. "Get in the car dumbasses were going to school."

"How do you know if I go to your school or not?" Wakatoshi asked.

"Well considering that Tendo just called you 'Wakatoshi-kun' I'm assuming your close. Plus the Shiritorizawa pin on your jacked gave you away." You said sliding a firm arm under Wakatoshi's and heaving him up with a huff. You placed him in the backseat behind Tendo so you could keep an eye on him. Tendo climbed back into the front seat as he watched you treat Wakatoshi like a big baby and buckle his seatbelt.

"I'm perfectly capable of buckling my own seatbelt," Wakatoshi stated.

"Mhm, just like your perfectly capable to walk you big dumbass," you retorted.

"Is 'dumbass' all your ever going to call me," Wakatoshi questioned.

"Well #1 I don't know your name, #2 you are a dumbass for not listening to me, and #3 probably."

"I'm Ushijima Wakatoshi. And you?"

"F/n L/n. But everyone calls me Smash," you stated and the rest of the ride to school was silent.

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