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As soon as you parked in the parking lot and turned the car off you saw Ushijima reach for the car handle. Knowing that he wouldn't listen to you, you slammed your finger on the lock button and trapped everyone in the car. He looked up at you with a confused gaze. You rolled your eyes and opened only you and Tendo's door.

"What are you plotting this time Y/n," Tendo said with a sneer. You threw a coin that you found on the floor at his eye but he moved so it hit his nose. "Yikes! Why are you so vile this morning Bubs." Ushijima internally smiled from the backseat at the cute nickname which caused you to throw another coin at him too.

"Ack, what did I do?" Ushijima said as he threw his arms up in defense.

"I could feel your smile."

"What the hell are you talking about he's had that stoic expression forever! It's never changed," tendo butted in.

"Yeah he may be one big ball of stoic, but he has emotions."


"Thank you for your concern, but I have to go now," Ushijima said as he waddled away on the crutches Tendo grabbed from the nurse's office. You rolled your eyes and was about to walk off before Tendo grabbed your wrist.

"Hey, how about you walk with me to the volleyball gym after school. Its on the way to the softball field," Tendo begged. You reluctantly agreed and walked to your homeroom class.


You changed into your softball jersey and pants (which made your ass look fantastic) and walked out of the girls locker room. On the way to the boys locker room you grabbed your bat and glove from your locker.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Smash," you looked up to find a face that you hated the most.

"What do you want, Haru," you said without missing a beat.

"Wanna smash," he said with a sneer.

"If by 'smash' you mean hit you with this bat then yes," you said with a smile that was dripping in sarcasm.

"Hey asshole what the fuck do you want with my best friend?!" You looked up to find Tendo jogging towards you, Ushijima struggling to keep up on his crutches.

"Oh great, its the monster," Haru said with a smile. He meant to say it quiet enough for only himself to hear, but you picked up on his voice. Before you knew what was going on, you swung your fist towards his face, and didn't miss. As you were wiping the blood from your fist, Haru started wailing. You hadn't done anything like that before and even Tendo stopped in his tracks.

"You talk about my friends again I'll use my bat," you stated with no emotion whatsoever. You grabbed a tissue from your bag and carelessly threw it at Haru. "Now quit your whining and go away." Haru glared at you has he grabbed the tissue and stormed off.

"What the hell was that?" Tendo yelled coming up behind you.

"None of your concern." Ushijima whisked right past Tendo and grabbed your hand. You veered back in shock, but he pulled you back.

"You busted a knuckle open. Why waste your hands on a guy like Haru?" Ushijima stated paying close attention to your knuckles. You yanked your hand away.

"I'm fine. Plus is it'll shut him up from talking shit, I'll bust all my knuckles open." you stated your face red. "We all have a practice to get to so lets go., and Tendo if you say one damn thing about my ass I will punch you in the face too." Tendo bit his lip and started walking towards the gym. You and Ushijima followed.


During practice you smashed every single ball. You pictures Haru's stupid face on them and hit every single one. It relived some stress to be honest. The only thing that brought you back to reality was the sound of Tendo's voice. What the actual fuck am I imagining things? You looked around to find the Shiritorizawa volleyball team jogging around the baseball diamond. You were distracted for a slit second so your hit was late. Instead of smashing the ball towards the outfield like normal, you hit it foul over towards the basketball gym. Dammit Y/n what the fuck is wrong with you. You whipped off your helmet and batting gloves.

"I'll get it, your turn Mira," you said as you turned to your 3rd baseman. You grabbed your glove and ran over to the boys volleyball team and caught up to Tendo.

"Hey Bubs nice hit," Tendo said with a smile. You flicked his forehead.

"Its over by the basketball gym," you said. Tendo's face grew serious

"Want me to come with you?" he asked.

"Tendo quit slacking off for your girlfriend!"

"Shut the hell up Semi-Semi! No one asked you!" Tendo shouted. You smiled.

"I'm okay. I'll have to face that bastard sometime." Tendo nodded and parted ways with you. You saw him whip out his phone before you left. The volleyball gym and basketball gym were right next to each other, but the boys had to run around the whole school and they didn't go right back to the gym. you approached the gym and walked through the open door.

"Well, well, well," a voice hummed "If it isn't Smash" You held out your hand.

"Ball, Troy. Now," you said firmly. Instead of putting the ball in your hand, he slid his in.

"Coach I'll be right back I have to take Smash back to her field." The basketball team snickered and gushed at the fact that you two were holding hands. You struggled against is grip.

"Ow, Troy let go," you whispered trying not to make a scene. He smiled at the team and pulled you out of the gym. "Give it up Troy!" he dragged you in-between both gyms and pinned you against the wall. "Troy no. Stop Please," you begged.

"You asked for this princess," he said with a smirk before smashing his lips onto yours. You left out a muffled cry as you heard the jingle of his belt.

"Troy, no! Please! I wont hit the ball over here! Please no!" you begged as tears started to form.

"Y/n?" a deep voice echoed.

"Shit," Troy muttered under his breath. You took this as your opportunity. You brought your knee up against him and just as you were about to go he moved one of his hands from the place where he pinned yours and jammed his finger into your hip. Blood soaked your shirt quickly as you let out a scream of pain. Troy looked at you confused, then a look of horror as he realized what he did. He dropped your hands.

"Y/N!" Troy called. You kicked him away with the last of your strength as you crumbled to the ground clutching your hip. Ushijima rushed over as fast as he could, considering he had crutches. He bent down and checked you out. Everything started getting fuzzy. You could've sworn you saw a hint of fear and anger in that stoic expression of his. It was all al blur, but the one thing you remember was the fear of it all.

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