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The girl's bathroom filled with light as someone walked in.

"Woah! Are you okay?" the stranger asked rushing to your side. You buried your face in your hands vigorously wiping at the corner of your mouth to erase any evidence that you'd just hurled. She looked to the toilet in shock and wrapped her arm around your shoulder, consoling you. "Hey, it's okay. What happened."

You felt your guard lessen a little when she cared for you. She seemed trustworthy and understanding so you decided to spill everything. She was completely shocked to hear about Troy, as anyone would. He was known as the popular nice guy who wouldn't hurt a fly outside of basketball. When you'd finally finished, you were met with her gaze of sorrow. It felt good to be looked at with an emotion other that pity.

"I'm so sorry. That's awful. That piece of scum should rot in hell for eternity," she stated. You let off a weak smile and got back on your feet.

"Thanks for this, I really needed it. I'm Y/n by the way."

"No problem. I'm Addisen, but most people call me Addi," she said with a smile. "We should probably get back to class. My science teachers' gonna freak," she said with a grimace and a glare to the wall. You chuckled and let out a sigh.

"Yeah me too. Ushijima's gonna be pissed that I took so long," you quietly stated.

"Ushijima? Like the Ace-dude?" Addi fangirled.

"That's him," you said with a small smile.

"No wayyy. That's really cool. He's really hot," she teased. You rolled your eyes as you waved her off.

"Wait! Before you go, gimme your number we should get some food sometime."

"Yeah, for sure," you said with a smile as she handed over her phone. You punched in the numbers and walked back to class with a newfound confidence. It was nice unloading onto a new person, especially a girl. Boys with stoic faces and emotion issues were getting old.

You walked into class and took your seat.

"Y/n see me after class," Ushijima whispered from behind you.

"Next period is lunch so I don't have a choice, Dumbass," you whispered back at him. You felt a small glare to the back of your head but brushed it off as the teacher stated homework and dismissed the class.

Just as the door came into view, a large hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into the sea of people. You were pushed back into a strong chest and arms snaked protectively around your waist. You looked up to find Ushijima staring straight ahead and waiting for the sea of people to thin before releasing you.

With a visible pink tinted on your cheeks you turned to face him.

"And what the hell was that for?"

"Troy was too close to you and I didn't like it," he emotionlessly stated.

"And why was that," you said with a smirk. He became flustered.

"I'm not sure I just know it made me feel off."

"Then the deal is off."

"What? No. You were almost caught by Troy this period and then you rushed off to god-knows where and you expect me to leave you alone like that?" he stated, his voice raising slightly.

"Well it didn't seem to bother you when I was hurling in the bathroom and some rando walked in," you said wincing at "rando". You liked Addi and calling her a Rando felt wrong.

Ushijima stepped back. This was news to him. You'd thrown up? He knew Troy had power over you but when it came to how much he help Ushijima was clueless.

"I-... You threw up?" he asked his gaze softening a little. You mentally kicked yourself for telling him that, but moved on fairly quickly.

"It doesn't matter what I did," you said harshly. "What matters is that you were distracted by me were you not?"

"I guess"

"Then that's it. You can't watch over me anymore. Stop wasting your own time on it. It'll only hurt you," you said lowering your voice at the last part so it was barely audible. Ushijima heard you.

"What the hell is that supposed to men," he said his voice laced with aggression. You growled as you walked off, muttering profanities under your breath. "Y/n!" Ushijima called after you. You didn't want to listen to him. You didn't want to listen to anyone. You found yourself clutching your stomach and veering towards that bathroom again.

Ukai's Daughter-Ushijima x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now