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This is kinda like a backstory but I didn't think it would fit as a prologue or description so I'm putting it here :)

You are a softball player at Shiritorizawa and have been for the past 3 years. You're the captain of the girls Varsity team. When you were in middle school you played both volleyball and softball but your father has always chose your path for you so you didn't have much choice but to go with softball. Your nickname is "Smash" and perverted guys have always used that to their advantage, slipping in sneer remarks about you. "Hey Smash, wanna smash?" was always a crowd favorite. However, the only thing you had going for you besides a scholarship was your bestfriend Tendo Satori. He would always stand up for you. He knew all of your dirty secrets and helped through some really tough times with your dad. Your father ran a shop close to Karasuno High so you would always feed the boys volleyball team after practice. You were particularly close with Tanaka and whenever him and Tendo were together, Tendo always shot him dirty looks. Another bad habit of Tendo's was setting you up with all of the guys on the Shiritorizawa volleyball team. But one day one of his setups might've worked...

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