What is Unremembered

Start from the beginning

He recovered and blocked her next attack.

"I never said you were helpless," he countered.

"You're treating me like I am," she flung out a spell "You saw me with your aunt. I never gave up the truth about the sword."

"That's my aunt..." Draco ducked a spell and rolled.

Hermione would have been impressed if she wasn't so pissed at him.

"The Dark Lord...he...he sees more. If he saw in your eyes that you trusted me...that you were looking at me with any less than hate or fear..." said Draco.

"Fuck you Malfoy. You should have trusted I could handle it." She sent out a giant blast from the wand cracking a tree in half and sending it toppling down.

"Merlin Granger you are going to get us both caught out here."

"Like I care! You're already trying to take me back to them!"

"Because I have to!" he shot back with another parry on her attack.

Granger growled.

"Like a good little dog dragging back a lost bone to its master," the venom in her words was real. All the anger she felt at having her memory taken was outweighing the knowledge that he cared for her at all.

He still wants to take you back, he can't care for you much at all if he isn't even hesitating in returning you.

"Fight me dammit!" she demanded.

She could feel the wand in her hand bowing, not quite able to channel the power inside her. This wasn't her wand and Hermione wasn't sure how much more she could cast through it before it broke. She may have won its loyalty but wands choose wizards and this was a wand that would never have chosen her.

"The hell do you think I've been doing?!" Asked Draco.

"Dodging and parrying both my attacks and my questions!" she shot back and this time her attack made it though. She watched him fly backwards and slam into the nearest tree. She marched over to him and pointed the wand down at his face.

"The truth Draco," she demanded looking down at him. "Who took my memory?"

He looked up at her, his eyes tortured.

He didn't answer.

She knew the truth; she could see it in his eyes.

Please, I don't want it to be him who stole my memories from me...

"Tell me!" she demanded her voice cracking.

Draco shook his head.

Tears formed in her eyes and she lashed out cursing him.

The sound of his pain in her ears hurt her heart.

She heard the wand crack in her hand and knew it was now dead and useless to her.

She backed away from Draco, keeping the wand raised a false shield in front of her.

Draco looked at her and she saw that the pain in his eyes wasn't from her curse but from the fact that she had chosen to actually curse him.

How could he bear it?

How could he hurt her if he cared?

She barely cared for him and hearing the sound of his pain had torn at her.

How could he suffer it?

Did he care at all? Or...did he care so much that he bore that pain for her?

Granger's mind was stumbled over itself. She didn't want to think about it. She didn't want to think about anything anymore.

She just wanted to go home.

"Please..." she almost whispered. She knew he heard her, saw her plea reach him in a way her curse hadn't. Saw the crack open in the wall he had placed between them.

It was obvious he didn't want to answer her, didn't want to admit the truth to her. She saw it warring within him, saw the fact that she had asked so quietly instead of demanding alter him from his constant state of defense to one of vulnerability.

You are his weak spot. You are his vulnerability.

What does that mean?

Draco swallowed and opened his mouth answering her. Her heart broke at his admission:

"I did."


Thanks very much for reading. I have some edits to do before I can publish the next chapter, but please do give a vote on this one if you liked it and leave some positive vibes. 

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