"How did they get over it that quickly? They were constantly arguing just a few minutes ago," Katara said.

"I don't know, I guess it's just a boy thing. We don't really hold grudges for too long," Aang replied.

"Well, what about Toph?"

"Toph isn't a... 'girly girl', I guess you could say."

"Well, do you think I'm a 'girly girl'?" Katara asked.

"No, not really," Aang said.

"Oh, so you think I'm a 'manly girl'? Katara asked, joking around.

"Nonononono, you aren't really a 'manly girl' either," Aang replied, trying not to offend his girlfriend.

Katara laughed. "Aang, I was joking. I'm not offended by that."

"Oh." He started laughing alongside her.

They passed over the Outer Wall of Ba Sing Se.

"Sokka, why don't you take the reins? It'll just be fifteen minutes until we reach the house," Katara said.

"Oh, alright." He grabbed Suki's hand and marched over to Appa's head. Katara grabbed Aang pulled him onto the saddle.

"C'mon, Aang, just rest with me for a few minutes." They sat together hand in hand.

"Hey, Sokka won't be able to watch us and now we won't have to hear him complain," Aang said to Katara.

They started giggling and Sokka interrupted them. "Hey! I've still got my eye on you two!"


About twenty minutes passed and they arrived at the house. They began unpacking.

"Avatar Aang, Firelord Zuko; the Earth King requested your presence."

Team Avatar turned around to see Earth King guards standing around them.

"What's the problem?" Aang asked.

"The Earth King asked that we do not tell you. You must go to his palace immediately," a guard replied. The Royal guards proceeded to march back to the palace. The Gaang quickly followed them.

"What do you think this is about?" Zuko whispered to Aang.

"I'm not sure. Maybe it has something to do with rebels or the Harmony Restoration Movement," Aang whispered back.

They arrived at the palace. Aang and Zuko walked ahead into the palace but the guards stopped the rest of the Gaang.

"Hey! Let us in!" Toph said.

"We apologize ma'am, but the Earth King requested that this meeting will only be between them."

Toph crossed her arms and they went to sit on the steps of the palace.


"Ah, Avatar Aang and Firelord Zuko. How delightful it is for you two to join me," Earth King Kuei said.

"Greetings, your Earthiness." Aang and Zuko bowed to Kuei.

"I want your help, there's a domestic job here in the city. It has come to our attention that Firelord Zuko's education was never properly finished. We also know that the Fire Nation spewed propaganda into its citizens' minds. I wouldn't doubt that it happened to you too. Now since you're the Firelord, you can decide not to do this, but it's highly encouraged that you do."

"I'm aware of the propaganda that was taught in my country. I actually learned some family history that nobody in the Fire Nation knew about. I'd be happy to enroll," Zuko replied. They shared a smile.

Kuei redirected himself to Aang. "Now Avatar Aang, your education is outdated by one-hundred years. Lots of things happened while you were in the iceberg. We think it would be best if you went to school as well. Even though you hold the title of the Avatar, you are still an Earth Kingdom citizen too. We were originally going to make it mandatory, but I've decided to give you a choice as well."

"I'd gladly enroll. I have a question though. Can our friends enroll too?"

"Sure, I don't see why not."

"Earth King Kuei, I have a question too. How am I, the Firelord, and Aang, the Avatar, supposed to show up to a school without being bombarded by other students? We have two of the most recognizable faces in the world."

"We thought of that already. During your stay on Ember Island, we received a shipment of imported make-up. This make-up shall conceal your identities. Avatar Aang can put it on his arrows and Firelord Zuko can conceal his scar."

Zuko and Aang looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

"Unfortunately, we didn't think you would ask for your friends to come. The imported make-up only has enough make-up for you two to use. Your friends will have to go without a fake alias."

"Their faces are as recognizable as ours, so I think we'll be alright," Zuko responded.

"The meetings have been canceled due to this occurrence but they will resume after you have graduated from school. You may head on home now, we'll mail your forms," the Earth King said.

They bowed and Zuko started walking out. Aang walked alongside him but turned around to face the Earth King.

"Wait, one more question!" Aang said.

"Yes?" Kuei questioned.

"When do we start school?"

"Don't worry about that right now, we're still figuring it out. It'll tell you on the forms."

Aang smiled to the Earth King and they shared another bow. Then Aang rushed out of the throne room and met up with Zuko before exiting the palace.


The Gaang ran up to Aang and Zuko.

"So what's wrong?" Katara asked, worried.

"Well, the Earth King wanted us to enroll in a school and we accepted," Aang replied.

"He also said that you guys are allowed to enroll too," Zuko added.

"What about the meetings? Will we have to deal with school AND meetings?" Sokka groaned.

"They canceled the meetings but they return after we're done," Aang replied.

The Gaang kept talking about school and they walked back to the house. They finished unpacking and relaxed for the rest of the day.

ATLA: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now