"Anyways, I'm annoying you right?"

Yoongi didn't reply, implicating that indeed he was getting quite tired of the subject.

"Your name is on the list of guests... just tell them who you are at the entrance, they'll let you in."

"I make no promises of going, Hoseok."

"I know, Hyung. No rush here."

"Break a leg... I heard you were performing as well!"

"Thank you Hyung. Then..." Hoseok offered a consoling grin "goodbye."

"Of course," Yoongi smiled, getting up to walk Hoseok to the door.

"Call me if you need anything. You're still my friend, no matter what happens between you two."

Yoongi nodded with a smile, thanking him through a warm gaze.

After parting ways Yoongi looked at his phone. The urge to call Jimin grew more and more like he hadn't tried a million times before that week. What would change this time? Nothing, he told himself.

Jimin would turn the call down, not text or even acknowledge him. And that was okay, Yoongi kept telling himself as he reminded himself of Seokjin's words. They made their choices. Different choices, but they were still their choices. As his anger from the conversation from that same morning simmered down, Yoongi realized how wrong everything was going. Jimin was ignoring him and Yoongi was smothering. Both of them were being too extreme, Yoongi thought.

He picked up his phone, who sat on the table near the entrance and without checking anything else he dialled a number and put it up next to his ears.

It ringed for a few seconds until finally someone picked up.


"Hyung." The youngest replied a few minutes after the beginning of the call.

"I'm sorry." Both said at the same time, startling one another.

"What are you sorry for... No, really, I shouldn't have snapped like that." Jungkook muttered "I can't even explain myself. It just left my mouth..."

"It's okay."

"No, it's not. I didn't mean any of it but it's not okay. I crossed the line-"

"Jungkook. It's fine, we were both dicks. And I know all too well about spitting out shit we don't exactly mean. Don't worry about it." Yoongi assured.

They fell silent for a while, it felt awkward, they had never fought this much ever and now, within 2 months, it had happened twice already.

"I'm in front of your apartment."

"Come up."

"I can't, I have to go grab some stuff with Taehyungie Hyung..." Jungkook nervously laughed "I just wanted to leave your ticket in your mail and apologize properly but it seems I don't have as much time as I hoped. They told me you left it behind."

"Jungkook, I'm not going. I can't."

"Okay Hyung. I'm sorry if we pressured into thinking you had to." Jungkook's voice was shaky, Yoongi noticed "We're here for you, so take your time."

"Thank you, Jungkookie." Yoongi smiled through his words "I'm sorry I was harsh with you too; I know you're looking out for Jimin as well. It was selfish of me to want you to take my side."

"I just want you two to be happy. I'm on no one's side."

"I know."


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