Chapter 2

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They got back to their apartment where they changed and got into bed. She laid against his chest when she asked "do you think this could be it Natsu?. My chance?" "It's very possible. I'll be cheering either way" "I know, thanks Natsu" she mumbled as she drifted off to sleep. The next morning was active and busy as they got up and rushed around the apartment getting ready. "Let's go Lucy, you don't wanna be late" "Coming!" she yelled running past him as he locked the door with a grin and smoothly got into his car. "Breathe Luce, you got this baby" he took her hand and kissed it then held it. Once they got to the arena, they jumped out as the stage director said "your on in in two" "Here we go" she thought anxious. "Remember to breathe" he whispered. "Break a leg Lucy" he said as he gave her a quick peck on her cheek as he went into the crowd and she onto the stage. "Whew, okay Lucy, remember what Natsu said, breathe. You got this, alright ,go!" she told herself as she walked out as the curtain was pulled.

 " GIVE IT UP FOR YOUR OWN LUCY HEARTFILIA EVERYONE!!" said the announcer. Everyone cheered making her smile, but her attention was focused on on a pink haired induvial who was whistling as loud as he could. "Thanks everyone, this means a lot . Alright, who wants to hear me sing?" Everyone cheered in response as she sang. When she was done, she ran backstage and started chugging a bottle of water when two people in business suits came up to her. "Nice job Ms. Heartfilia" "Thank you..umm, who are you?" " We are part of a record label and wondered if you might be interested, you have some real talent" "Are you serious!?" she questioned as the lady handed her a card. "Yes ma'am" she answered with a nice smile. "YES. I will do it" " Excellent, we will be in touch. My advice, start packing." Then she with her partner walked away as Lucy tried to contain her composure as she walked out of the arena and to the parking lot where Natsu leaned against the car smiling. "Hey, there you okay Luce?" he asked seeing a weird expression on her face. "Luce?" "Ummm , yeahh..I made it" "Huh?, Luce your mumbling" " I DID IT NATSU!!M I GOT MY BREAK!, AN AGENT JUST SAID SHE WANTED ME" It took him a second to register what she said but he held his arms out as she came running. He picked her up and spun her around in the air. "That's wonderful baby!!, I'm so happy for you"

 As he put her down, he opened her door and let her inside as he rushed to the other side of the car. "Time to celebrate" he announced as he took off down the road. "Pick wherever you want to go Luce" She thought about it as she told him and had him zooming down the road. Once they got there, Natsu opened her door like a gentlemen and held his hand out. "You spoil me Dragneel" "You deserve it , come on let's go inside" he said loving as he escorted her into the restaurant. Once they ordered everything, Lucy felt she was in heaven. "Thing's can't get anymore perfect then this" she thought happily. "Luce, you there?" "Huh?" "You were spacing" he said amused. "Sorry" "No need to be sorry .I'm really happy for you baby. Say let's finish up here and I'll give you more of a reward." Her cheeks went red as she stuttered. "Yyouu mmmean?" He raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Check please" said Natsu as the waiter came and took Natsu's card as he looked at the ticket. "Do I even get to see?" she asked already knowing the answer.

"Nope" Natsu answered with a smirk as he crumbled up the receipt. He said thank you to the waiter and escorted Lucy out. "Thank you for everything Natsu." "Of course Luce, not everyday your dream comes true" "Not just that, thank you for being my best friend in high school..and for now, for giving up your life to stay with me" Her cheeks turned pink as she looked at him. "Lucy, you didn't make me give up anything. The day we met in high school , my life changed for the better. I realized who my real friends were and I got the best friend of a lifetime, oh we're here" He quickly got out of the car as Lucy got out on her side. He picked her up bridal style making Lucy giggle. "What are you doing Natsu?" " Time to celebrate more. Wooooh!" They laughed as they entered their apartment where Natsu carried her into their room and placed her onto the bed. "Now for the best gift of all, hehe" he smirked as he turned off their light. 

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