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You were in the China shop downtown just searching for food, Venom always pointed out that he wanted Chocolate and Tater tots. You kept telling him that if you kept eating those the results wouldn't end well, but he always came back and said he'd keep you healthy.

You agreed this one time, the last time actually, for this week. You walked back to the freezer section and asked which he wanted, he said whatever I wanted either way since we both basically ate the same. "Hey, sorry excuse me" I moved out of the way for the man to get food and looked down, I was always shy in front of people I didn't know. "I'm sorry" "it's fine...I'm Zack by the way " he held his hand out as I hesitantly shook his hand back "I'm.. Y/n" "I see you're getting the same thing as me" I looked down and seen the box in my hand and looked back at him.

"Yeah, I guess" before I could walk away he grabbed my arm and turned me towards him. "Do you by any chance, want to come over and eat with me?" His face dangerously close to my neck as I felt his breath fan over my cheek. "No, sorry, I have a boyfriend" "tell him you're going to be running a few minutes late, it's no big deal" "he's here actually" he looked around the shop worried and back down at me. "I don't see anyone else in this store beside you and me babe". I hated when Venom came out just because of a small argument or a disagreement that came across my path. He always made a bigger deal than it has to be but I don't mind as long as I don't have to drag out a dead decapitated body afterwards.

"Listen..dude. She told you she had a boyfriend before. Now I suggest you leave what's mine and get out of here" Sure I felt safer when Venom was a little overprotective but it scared me sometimes. Venom dropped the guy, he quickly turned and ran out the store. The warmth of Venoms body encased around mine was gone. "Thanks love" "be careful next time" "I will" I smiled to myself and continued to shop like nothing happened.


I looked down the alley from my apartment window sipping water. "You need to be more careful" "I am, it's just you're there all the time so what's there to be said?" "If I weren't here, you wouldn't be here" I sipped the water sounding unfazed by the lecture. "But you wouldn't, you can't survive that long without me. Besides you love me" "please, don't remind me" I laughed and put the water bottle on the kitchen island and got ready for bed.

It was currently 2:17 am and can't sleep. What if Venom wasn't there? I know sometimes I sound ungrateful and just a little bitchy but I'm not use to be overprotected all time, especially from before I met Venom. I kicked the blankets off and felt cold all of a sudden, I didn't mind though. The cold kept me awake and everything just to seem to fade. Fatigue seem to take place and before I knew it I was almost asleep. Before I closed my eyes I felt Venom slowly pull the covers over me and pull my hood from my hoodie up and over my head so I could keep warm.


I waited in my outside a restaurant me and Eddie were going to eat at. Running a little late as usual, nothing changed and I didn't mind. I haven't heard anything from Venom all morning and it was starting to worry me.

All of a sudden I felt something wrap around my finger, I looked down and seen a black band around my finger. "What are you doing love?" "Now the other humans will know you are mine" I smiled lightly. It didn't matter to me that I didn't have a husband that was in a human or was real. What did matter was I did have someone to love.

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