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Slight NSFW

It seemed like there was nothing to dream nor fear tonight. It wasn't like there would always be one, but whatever you see, Venom did.

And this particular night was one to be aware of the next time it happened.

Shifting uncomfortably in your bed, your hand came to rest against the cool soft pillow near the wall. The night was warm, and it the city was loud. Something didn't feel right, chills ran down your body, sweat started forming on your head and your stomach ached. It felt like you were going to throw up, this wasn't you. If it was, then you wouldn't be getting sick this fast. Sitting up, you pulled your hoodie off, now in your spandex and tank top.

"V, you alright?" Maybe you sat up too fast, or there was something actually wrong since you almost fell back into the bed while your head began to throb in pain. You shaky voice made Venom almost pant, "fine. Just fine" "don't lie. This isn't me, it's you" checking your phone, it was almost 2 in the morning, standing up, you walked over to your window. Opening it, "it's hot" "it's hot" you both said at the same time. Suddenly taking your tank top off, the cool air seemed to work a bit, but it made you feel even more sick

"Y/n" "what?" Venom pulled you back to the bed, "Venom. What's wrong?" Sitting on the edge of the bed, he still wasn't answering, you could hear him, but he stayed silent. "I won't get mad, just tell me so I can help" "I can't" "Venom, I'm human. You can take more than me, this is really starting to get uncomfortable" ok maybe it barely started to effect him, but knowing you were going through worse made him feel guilty

"You" it sounded forced, like he was struggling. "Please?" With what you've gathered over the months being with Venom, this wasn't him trying to connect with you, it wasn't him leaving. He certainly wouldn't, and it wasn't him having a fever since it was very rare he got sick. He said he needed you, then it clicked. Somewhat of a heat?

"Yes" you never expected this to happen, not in the months you've been together you think that he would have something like this. It was a bit.. not embarrassing but awkward since this was all so new. "V, I don't know how to.." your sentence trailed off, feeling your head pound again while a wave of heat washed over your body, then immediately being cold

"You look so good" he fully understood that this was a bit early in the relationship, especially to humans since his race was different. The last thing he wanted to do was make you feel uncomfortable, but judging but your words and feelings, it seems he has.

If only Eddie was here then you'd hand Venom over, but then realized that Venom wouldn't get along with him after he's gotten with you. A small tingle below your stomach made you shudder, moving your legs together in a weak attempt to cool the burning sensation. You stood up, thinking you needed to walk it off, your hand over your head as you tried to breath and calm down. Everything felt heavy, your legs almost gave out, so carefully making your way over to your bed. You laid on your stomach, hoping the cool blankets and sheet would be sufficient.

It seemed to cool down after Venom came out, his large body over yours as the feeling went away slightly, but not enough to make it bearable. His hands traced the middle of your back, thumb dragging up and down the line of your spine, finally settling on the nape of your neck. He pushed your hair away, eyeing your shoulder blade that was fully exposed to him. He weighed his options, you could either wait till morning came and tough it out, or take what he was giving and get it over with quick.

He tried his best to be reasonable, he certainly couldn't take this 'fever' and if you didn't want what he had planned, then you both would be in literal hell if you wanted to push through it. Then again, just a small taste, something to settle his nerves and this pain, it would make it a lot easier.   Either way, you looked absolutely wonderful under his grasp, so small so open

His tongue ran over your shoulder, a soft hum came from you, he wondered if you even knew what he was going to do. Wanting this to be over quick, his mouth hovered over your skin for a second, then sinking into you like butter. With a sharp breath, you hissed, feeling warm liquid run down the side of your neck and to your cheek. It hurt but I felt so good, a low rumble from Venoms chest reminded you to breath. Slowly he pulled away, licking up whatever blood ran down so it wouldn't make a huge mess.

He swallowed thickly with the contents he managed to get. Tasting the irony yet metallic flavor run down his throat, and make a warm fuzzy feeling blossom within his chest as his fever went down. It felt like he could breath and think straight again, his looked down at your body. Looking relaxed, and he knew you had gotten your strength back when you stood up. Your hand touched the trail of blood up to the bite mark, pulling away when it stung. "You could have at least told me and I would have helped out sooner" his eyes widen in confusion, you weren't mad?

Following behind you, he watched as you grabbed a towel, cleaning yourself up. Just then, you seen that you were only in your bra and spandex, Venom grabbed your hoodie and gave it to you.

Finally laying back in bed, Venom apologized, sounding guilty. "It's fine" a small yawn made you finally go to sleep.

The next morning was just the same as any other, only this time. Eddie called and asked if you wanted to have brunch with him, you agreed.

Once at the restaurant, Eddie noticed you looked a little more tired than usual, "well gee Y/n, little roughened up?" He snickered, "no, Mr.Brock, it's more along the lines of this horrible stinging pain on my shoulder because someone didn't tell me what was going on and still won't explain why they bit me" Eddie stopped laughing, looking at you like you were crazy. "He.. Venom bit you?" "It was for a good reason, if he didn't do it then I wouldn't be standing here" he nodded slowly

The same thing happened to him last year, and not once did Venom say anything. He made him suffer, before he could complain, you spoke "anyways, I have somewhere to be. I'll pay for dinner or something next time. Thank you so much for the food" he smiled back at you when you stood up. He did as well, grabbing your bag and handing it to you. "Yeah, you're welcome" he kissed your cheek as he watched you walk off. Curious to see where you had been bitten, he knew how long and big Venoms teeth were, especially his jaw. And he shuddered at the thought of Venom doing that to him, you're definitely braver than him
Unedited, I'll get to it as soon as possible!^^

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