Who's sorry now

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I just finished Let There Be Carnage, oh! I feel like Cletus and Frances deserve each other

Mentions of good! Little Carnage :3

The weight of the world.

On your shoulders

That's what it felt like. At least that's what you thought considering you had fallen head over boots for Eddie, you knew it was too good to be true. You could never top Anne, even if she was kind and always offered you things you didn't really need. You couldn't hate her, not even if you tried

Eddie had recently called, asking if you were free tonight and if you were, there was an extra seat at the restaurant they were eating at. Of course you accepted, not wanting to push them away any further than you already had. Although there was a little voice in the back of your head telling you not to, your thoughts were Venoms, and he ushered you to go since he knew how you felt for Eddie.

You should have listened to yourself

The gold band on his ring finger, Anne's diamond on hers looked so good together, you couldn't deny it, but you also couldn't say anything. It felt like being punched in the gut, "you could at least say 'Congratulations' or something along those lines. That's what other say to soon to be couples" Anne spoke, Eddie gave you the look as he nodded his head towards his fiancé. Then you blinked, your mouth opening to say something, anything. But nothing came out. There was too much going on, Venom was cussing Eddie out, Anne was waiting for your praise and you couldn't think of anything to say all while scolding yourself as well.

"I..I-I'm happy for you, really I am. This.. this is shocking news" you stuttered as you leaned forward, your helmet on the table as the couple barely smiled, nonetheless accepting your words. "What's this feeling?" Venom asked, your eyes focused on the white sticker that looked like Venoms eyes on your helmet, then tracing the teeth underneath your visor. Just being in the presence of them made the air around you thick and heavy. "I uh, forgot I had something to do in a few minutes. I'll see you two.. soon" you nodded, feeling a few tears about to well up but you stood and grabbed your stuff. Walking off before both of them could bid you goodbye.

Quickly sliding your helmet on, you jumped on your bike and took off. Driving back to your flat. "It seems he was blind at our attempts to have at him" you shook you head trying to rid the feeling and thoughts. "You don't understand. I was blind. I should have seen it, way before I met you" your voice cracked as he felt a little sympathy for such odd feelings he's never felt with you before. Driving faster, the rain only fell harder. "Slow down" "why? You don't believe in consequences. I get injuries, you fix them. Hangovers, you mend them. I couldn't even hurt myself if I tried!" Before another car passed, Venom slowed down and pulled off to the side of the road. "Y/n, I apologize. I can't mend the heart. Emotional pain hits much harder, and it lasts longer, you just need to pull up your pants and take it" even though he never had a way with words, you could tell he truly meant it

Sliding your helmet off, you walked to the side of the road. Sitting down as you stared at the city's lights far off on the horizon. The grass was wet but you didn't care, you didn't even acknowledge you left your bike running. "Doesn't matter. As long as they're happy right? How could I have been so stupid to even think about having a life with him?" Venom was beginning to grow nervous at your words, your thoughts even more, he did the only thing he could to take your mind off of it. "We.. have our little one on the way" he wasn't sure if it was the right time to bring it up, but it was the only choice

At least he could finally feel you relax, and your emotions mellow out. Yeah, your little one, now all you could imagine was what they'll look like, especially after a few weeks when they get their own host. As much as you wanted to raise them with Eddie, you settled on doing it alone. A smile softly formed, at least you weren't yelling nor blaming yourself anymore. "We'll show them"

I know some of you requested a few things, but I'm not sure what happened to Wattpad as it deleted all of my WIP. On some I either needed to edit it, or I was almost done, but don't worry. I'll get to it as soon as possible since I have to go though each and every request from long ago to now. But this is just a little something to tell you I'm trying to come back and that I just need some time. I'm not gone yet:D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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