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Chapter One


Typhoon season had begun, and all outdoor rituals and activities had been put on hold for the past month

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Typhoon season had begun, and all outdoor rituals and activities had been put on hold for the past month. Laying by the fireplace, as rain battered the panes, was a young girl. A book lay opened before her, as she tried to distinguish the symbols between its dust-covered pages. It seemed as if all focus lay on what was written there. So enraptured in the reading, it took a moment for the girl to acknowledge her name being called, as soft steps announced the entrance of the Madam, High Priestess Lee Jieun.

"Aeri, I do admire how diligently you've been studying these past few weeks, but remember not to neglect the duties you've been tasked with."

At the address, the girl scrambled to her feet, almost tripping on the hemmed skirt of her white robes.

"I'm sorry, Madam, I was so engrossed in the Medicus text, I lost track of time." Aeri lowered her head, her fingers fisted in the folds of her robes, licking her lips nervously. However, the scolding she had expected to come did not, instead, Madam Jieun gave a soft sigh and a bemused smile.

"You're forgiven Aeri, just ensure that you don't get so caught up in your reading again, it won't be long until your initiation into a White Priestess, and the duties you are required to perform, cannot be affected by your absent-mindedness. especially when you'll spend most of your time inside the palace. Understand?"

"Yes, Madam, I understand." Came the quick response, followed by another respectful bow.

Lee Aeri was the youngest training Priestess at Inwangsan, easily distracted and much imaginative, but loyal to the duties that were expected of her. Finally, at the age of eighteen, Aeri was now capable of learning of the White Magicks and other such gifts of the temple, just ten days away from the initiation Madam Jieun had spoken of. While she felt quite lonely most days, she accepted it. It was tradition that those young girls that were preparing for Initiation, whether they were a White Priestess or one of the higher standing ones, were kept isolated until initiation had been completed and they could finally integrate once again.

"You're expected at the palace an hour from now, make sure you're thoroughly prepared, Court Lady Kim expects a lot from you."

"Court Lady Kim?" It was then that she remembered exactly what day it was. Today was the beginning of her training within the palace walls, Court Lady Kim would expect her to start proving her worth as a White Priestess, and for some weeks, she would be trained strictly on the customs of the palace. It was no longer a place where she could play with the young Princes alongside Han Mira, it was a place where she would serve them and do what she had to do to keep them out of harm's way. Mira, now at twenty years old, had finally become an apprentice to the other High Priestesses, particularly those who dealt with Shadow Magicks and indeed known more so as Curse Breakers. It had been some time since she and Mira had spent time together, their duties differed greatly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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