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"It was at the very moment that those arrows struck; two moons crossed paths

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"It was at the very moment that those arrows struck; two moons crossed paths. One as red as the blood of the fallen Empire, the other, such a vibrant gold, it made the world stand in awe to see it pass.

On the mountains of Inwangsan, the ancient Priestesses relayed this phenomenon to Madam Hong, though she had already seen, and she was already filled with dread. For a blood moon meant death, a golden moon meant the rise of a new power.

These two moons should have never crossed paths... Only havoc would reign down on those who set eyes on them...

The call of the Priestesses was not at fault, for it was true, the previous kingdom had fallen and now, King Taejo of Goryeo had taken the throne, as his younger brother lay dead at the foot of his seat."

A collective series of gasps from the wide-eyed children, who hung onto every word the storyteller had spoken.

"King Taejo killed his only brother for the throne?!" A young boy of around eleven years old spoke up in surprise, casting a side glance to the other three children next to him.

"Indeed, Little Highness, for to come into such power, relies primarily on the greed of the one who wishes for it."

The child that had been addressed as 'Little Highness' was still fascinated by the story of his ancestors, eyes bright with interest, mouth slightly agape.

Next to him a girl of about eight, spoke up, gripping the skirts of her white robes, voice gentle, yet assured, "But Woongie would never do that to Ravn! And Ravn, he would never do such a thing to Woongie!"

The storyteller gave a chuckle in amusement at the passionate response the child gave;

"Of course not, it's just a story Lady Aeri. Our two little Princes are inseparable, and no doubt when they're old enough will stand side by side and rule the kingdom of Korea together"

The child was still shaking slightly, even at the consolidating words the elder woman spoke.

"Aeri, you don't have to be scared, I would never hurt Ravn, I promise." A hand gripped hers in reassurance, and a bright smile followed on the face of the third child that had spoken.

"I know Woongie, but... It's still scary. Anything could happen!" She exclaimed, making the blonde boy chuckle.

"Ravn is gonna be the King and I'm gonna be right by his side, like a soldier, just like Uncle Jongho does for dad! Right, Ravn?"

"Hwanwoong, we're gonna stand together right? I mean, as two Kings?"

"Two Kings?"

The final child seemed to scoff, looking up, and pushing her ebony hair behind her ear. She held a look of seriousness in the depths of her dark eyes, her robes in contrast to Aeri's pure white, were grey.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Ravn, how can two Kings rule Korea? Obviously, a Kingdom only needs one. It's in the ancient rules Madam Jieun has in the library"

"Lady Mira, there's always a first time for everything. You're a little too young to be having access to the ancient books." The storyteller said in amusement.

"I'm ten, that's not too young! And besides, Madam Jieun said that I'm learning a lot, and one day I could be Head Priestess!" Lady Mira rolled her eyes as if those in her presence were far from the level of intelligence she herself possessed.

She leaned back on her hands, as she continued to speak;

"Ravn is obviously gonna be King because he's the oldest, that's how it's supposed to go."

"I have no doubt you will be Head Priestess with the feisty personality you possess for such a young child!"

She stood from where she had sat, and adjusted her skirts, before acknowledging the four children once more.

"I think we've spoken enough today, all four of you outside to enjoy the sunshine! His Majesty would not be happy with me keeping you indoors. Off you go now." She clapped her hands in dismissal, and the children, a little less than pleased that storytime had come to an end shuffled out into the palace gardens oblivious to what would soon come to be.


"Do you really think feeding them with such stories is anyway beneficial to their learning?" A voice spoke from the far left of the room, making the storyteller spin around in surprise.

"Court Lady Kim."

"Hana, you'll turn those children awry with the outlandish stories you tell!" Court Lady Kim shook her head and placed a tray down on the table.

"In what world are they outlandish? The heirs should know their history." Hana moved towards the woman, helping her empty the tray. "Ravn and Hwanwoong will soon be trained strictly under Master Kihyun, and it's important that they learn all they can, it's the start of their journey."

"Even so, your methods of education are a little - different let's say."

"I - I do feel that those children will come to meet challenges they never imagined they would..."


"I'm not a Star Watcher like Priestess Jieun is, but struggles are coming... Maybe not now, but one day in the future choices will have to be made."

Court Lady Kim sighed, "For now - no matter what fate may decide - just let them be children."

And be children they would, until ten years later, when the truth would come to be, and their actions alone would be what shaped their destiny.

 Requiem (2020)

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