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You and Leo were in the arena training together and while the little elf was agile, he wasn't very good with a sword. Since you guys were alone, you were also shamelessly flirting with him. You could tell that you were flustering him and that just egged you on. "Valdez, when did you get so hot?" You could see him blush and then he retorted "Hun, I've been this way since birth" He jabs at you with his sword and when you step back you realize that you've been backed into a corner. You hold your sword up to defend yourself and say "You try, you die. There's nothing you can do to win now." He smirks. "Oh yeah?" "Yep." you say popping the "p" He leans forward over your sword, kissing you and when you drop your sword, poking your armor with the tip of his sword. "I win." He says smirking. "Oh no. He did not just kiss me to win this stupid game!" you think in horror. Once you've come back to your senses you tackle him to the ground, and while he looks absolutely terrified at the evil glint in your eyes you kiss him. You weren't expecting him to kiss back but he does.

You're starting to enjoy yourself when you hear an "I knew it!" coming from the bleachers and the clink of Drachmas exchanging hands.

Heroes of Olympus Boys x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now