Thank God he wasn't struggling because he would've drowned us both. After we resurfaced we both gasped for air. That surprised me because I thought Antonio would have to be revived.

Big John was no more than five feet away from us, I used my remaining strength to close the distance between us and the boat. Alongside of the boat, Big John reached down to help me in, but I shook off his attempt.

"Help Antonio first." I commanded, the muscles in my body trembling from over exertion.

Shaking his head Big John grabbed Antonio and hauled him into the boat like he weighed no more than a rag doll, and then he grabbed me and hoisted me into the boat. In the boat Antonio lay on the floor in between the seats staring unseeingly into the sky.

"What's wrong with him?" Big John asked with a frown.

Bella and Lola leaned over their seats to stare. I grabbed Antonio's face and gently began slapping him across the cheeks.

"Antonio, sweetheart it's okay, you're safe now. Come back to me, baby." I whispered as I leaned over him.

He blinked once, and then twice, before he took a deep breath. As he began to finally see his surroundings he sat up and his body became defensive, almost as if he wanted to get as much space between us and him as he could. His eyes swung from Big John to Bella, Lola and then finally to me.

When his eyes rested on me his face softened. His expression no longer harsh. He grabbed me, holding me tight. The next moment his lips crashed down on mine and I almost forgot that we were in a motor boat surrounded by three other people.

"This is real romantic and all but I can't help but think that if Roberto's guards are alerted it'll take away from the romance." Bella said in a dry tone. I grudgingly leaned away from Antonio, hating to admit that she's right. I turned to Big John and gave him a nod. It was enough to put him into motion of getting the boat turned around and headed in the opposite direction of the island.

I helped Antonio unto a seat in the boat. He seemed to be doing a little better but I could tell that he was still a little shaken. There was a story behind his fear of water but now was not the time to ask him about it.

"Where to Kayla?" Big John asked without turning around.

"How far is Nassau from here?" I asked leaning around him to take a look at the top of the line GPS system on the dash.

"The Bahamas? I don't know maybe hour and a half to two." Big John replied.

"Good we can head for there. Where's my trunk?" I asked looking around the boat and not seeing it.

"We're sitting on it?" Lola answered, adjusting her body so that I could see the trunk beneath her and Bella.

"Can you move for a second please, I need to get my cell." I asked coming around to stand on the side that Lola was on. While Lola and Bella hopped up off the trunk, I fumbled around with the bracelet around my wrist trying to take it off, but my adrenaline pumped hands wouldn't stop shaking.

"Here let me help." Lola ordered pushing my hand out of the way. Once the bracelet was undone I sifted through the charms until I found the tiny key. I opened the lid in no time and located my cell among all the weaponry just as fast. Before I closed the trunk I heard a low whistle.

"A girl's gotta have her hobbies." Lola exclaimed in awe.

I quickly shut the trunk and punched a number into my satellite phone. The phone ranged only once and a voice picked up sounding out of breath.

"Kayla? Thank God where have you been? Are you alright?"

"Hey Elizabeth I'm fine and headed back for the island. I need a ride when I make land though."

"Of course I'll send Donavon. Did you find Jamiah?"

"No, but I know where she is...and yes, she's alive."

"Unbelievable. Where do you need Donavon?"

"Tell him to pick me up from the port that I sailed from. Oh and Elizabeth please don't say anything to my mother yet, I want to check the facts of the information I acquired before I let my parents know that Miah's still alive."

"Yes, of course."

"I'll see you in a couple of hours." I said hanging up the phone, looking up to see three pair of eyes on me.

"How's everyone doing?" I asked to break the silence.

"We're fine." Antonio quietly answered. "Now are you planning on telling me how in the world you brought a whole island to its knees by yourself?"

"Not by myself, I had help." I replied without blinking.

"We may have helped, but in the end it was you sweetheart." Bella drawled.

Antonio just stared with a slight frown on his face, almost as if he was thinking real hard about something.

"Everything was played by ear. Something could've gone wrong at any time." I replied not liking the hero worship in Bella's eyes. "We we're blessed."

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