Chapter 7

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It was the night before my trip to the Bahamas. Miah and Caleb's sister had decided to leave a day earlier to have a four day weekend. I had to take my exam so I decided to leave on schedule. I had just finished packing up all of the purchases that I made on our shopping trip last week when the phone rang.

"Who in the world can that be?" I said picking up the phone an not recognizing the number on caller I.D. "Hello?"

"Hey, Kayla. It's me...Eva." A hesitant voice said from the other the end of the line.

"I thought I told you to lose my damn number?" I snapped.

"I know but I miss you and it's been two years. I thought maybe finally we could talk," Eva said.

"It could've been ten years and I still wouldn't want to talk to you. You violated our friendship and there is no coming back from that," I replied feeling fury start to build in my chest.

"Kayla I know what I did was wrong, but I promise I never meant to hurt you." She explained with remorse in her voice.

"Then what the hell did you mean to do Eva, because your actions and his lies was the perfect formula for hurting me," I replied my voice shaking.

"Please stop blaming me Kayla, I love you and I didn't do this to you, I was only trying to protect you. Okay I admit, I may have went about it the wrong way, and for that I'm sorry." Eva sobbed into the phone.

"Letting me marry him was protecting me?" I asked.

"He promised me it was all behind him and I wanted to believe him for your sake, I knew you didn't want to live without him," Eva said.

"Eva I'm really busy right now and I don't have time for this. Don't call again," I said slamming the phone down on the charger. I took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of the bed. Why did I have to deal with this after all of this time? Why couldn't I put the past in the past just like everyone else. I was broken and had been for the last two years now. I know I needed to face down my demons, but tonight was not the night for soul cleansing.

I hardly got any sleep, but when I did, I had a nightmare of my father standing in an African dessert, his hands covered in blood. He yelled to me that he tried to save him, his words then changed to, you have to save her. A loud rumble that sounded like laughter began to drown out my father's pleas. I turned to see where the laughter came from and was met by a satanic manifestation of Caleb holding chains. The vision was enough to jolt me out of the dream and back into my safe reality, where my daddy's hands weren't covered in blood and Caleb was just my sister's fiancé and not the literal devil. I looked at my alarm clock; it was two forty-five in the morning, five more hours of sleep. The thought sounded liked a prison sentence.


The flight took off on schedule. I ended up sitting next to a reality t. v. so called celebrity who didn't know how to keep her damn mouth shut for five minutes. She spent half of the flight trying to figure out who I was and what I did and when I wasn't forthcoming she spent the other half talking about herself. When the flight started it's decent into the Bahamas, and the flight attendant told us to put our seats upright and secure our seatbelts I swear I could have kissed her and the captain.

When we were cleared to exit the plane I made my way down the gate and into an over crowed airport. As I made my way through the crush of people trying to exit the airport I saw a short black man wearing a suit holding up a sign which read Dr. Nichols. I navigated myself at an angle through the crowds to him.

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